This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Well, this is the first of what I hope is many entries about my life in LA. My friend Aura introduced me to this website and said it was really a good place to put down my thoughts and just about anything actually. And I thought, what a great idea, now I can write about things that happened as soon as it happened and my family can read about it, rather than me having to remember it for a whole week so I can write it in my email. So here's the first post!
Tonight my friends from work, Aura and Charisse and I went to Charisse's house to have dinner and to play with the DDR. DDR stands for Dance Dance Revolution, and what it is is a machine which tells you the steps to dance and you do the steps on the pads provided. It was so much fun!!! I started out at the beginner stage and progressed to the next level by the time it was time to go home. Even the girls said I was getting really good. So I'm pretty excited about that. I think dancing has given me more confindece. Even this little bit of it made me feel so much better about my abilities. Not to mention it was great exercise!
Anyway, I wish I could get a set of DDR for myself, but that means I have to get a PS2, which will cost a lot of money, and money is something I dont have right now! Oh well, maybe if I wish hard enough, someone will donate one to me!


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