This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I got a new student today. Her name is Emry. We had a great time during lessons. She is my last student for the day, and she's an adult. We got talking after the lesson and I found out she's newly married and she's from Indonesia. She's new here too. So we decided that when we have time, we will hang out together, just because we are both new in the area. Since she and I are from Asia, we both have similar ideas on certain things, which I thought was cool. So I've made another friend I can hang out with. I think I am going to ask Motoko if she wants to have dinner with my nect Wednesday. Motoko is a teacher at the school. She's fun.
I watched Celebrity Mole Yucatan. I'm hooked. Too bad it was the last episode. Glad I watched the last few before this!
I also watched The Bachelorette. I'm rooting for Ian, the quiet, reserved guy. I dont think he's the guy I would personally go for, but I seem to go for the underdog.
I'm talking to AiAi at the same time, and I told her I smelled nice. This is the conversation that followed. I have to say beforehand, this is unedited!!

Audreyatschool: I smell nice
daffygirl: as opposed to... :p
Audreyatschool: I dont smell nice?
daffygirl: smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding youuuu
Audreyatschool: so what exactly ARE they feeding you??
daffygirl: HEY! grrrr...
Audreyatschool: hahahaha. Walked right into that one
daffygirl: growl...
Audreyatschool: keep growling, you sound like a tiger, another smelly cat
daffygirl: :-@
Audreyatschool: bwahahahaha
daffygirl: :p',',',',',',', (Audrey says: I WIN!!!!)

I love my sister, I love both my sisters. Too bad we dont get to spend time together anymore. And now that they are both married, and I'm not in Singapore, it makes it all the more harder to hang out with each other. If I had one regret about them, it would be that we didnt spend time together just the 3 of us. But then again, it feels good to know that we are still as close. I remember one time when I was back in Singapore for summer vacation, and we were all home at the same time one night, and the 3 of us sat around the dining table talking and laughing, and dad comes up and clears the table for us. When we said, Oh we can do it, he said, That's ok. how often do I get to see my 3 daughters talking and laughing together like that? Man, that's a memory I wont forget!


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