This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, February 25, 2005

I just watched the coolest thing! I usually dont channel flip on Fridays because there is a show I always watch. But today for some reason I did, and I caught JAG on Channel 2. And get this, the show was about a terrorist boat heading towards Singapore! How cool was that! I never hear about Singapore on TV, at least not here, but today I did. I didnt actually get to see Singapore, but it was mentioned a lot, and that was good enough for me! :D

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Well, it's been a long time since I've updated this site. Dad thinks I've given it up. Haha. Actually, I almost did. Couldnt find anything exciting to say. But come to think of it, some pretty exciting things have been happening to me.
So I got a ticket for speeding early January. And my fine was $773. Seven HUNDRED and seventy three big bucks! I could not believe my eyes. I panicked and called one of my student's dad who is a cop. He thought it was a crazy amount too. But he was great and he took care of my proof of insurance bit (Oh yeah, I couldnt find my ins card when the CHP stopped me) and when that got taken care of, I called the courthouse, and the lady said, Ok, just send in proof of insurance and your fine is now $123. ONE hundred and twenty three bucks. OH MY GOSH! I was sweating blood the 2 weeks before that phone call. I was about to start crying over the phone because I was so relieved. I know, $123 is still a big enough amount, but it sure beats $773 anyday. Thank God, Thank God! I called Dana when I found out, and almost yelled the good news to her.
And now I can start process on my Green Card, thanks to my aunt's help. I was so stressed about it, I broke down one Friday afternoon. I called Judy Ketterling and as I was talking to her, I just started to cry. I couldnt see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the tunnel looked forever long. I just felt so helpless and I didnt know how to go on from there. She just started to pray with me and I think that was all I needed. I needed to get it out of my system, and just talking to her made me feel better. I felt like I got a better grip on myself and my emotions. That was Friday afternoon. Saturday night at about 11 pm I got a call from my aunt with the best news I've heard in a long time. For the 2nd time, I started to tear up over the phone. I didnt get very far with crying, but I was very very grateful. So Thank you, Kuku.
Other than that, life's been pretty normal. I work, and I work, and then I work somemore. I have a few more new students, and my schedule is slowly getting filled up. My student Stacy brought me dinner on Monday, and she made the best squash thing I've ever had. I'm going to try to make it. While I'm on the subject of food, I'm on a salmon kick right now. I want to make salmon for dinner one night, but I havent been able to for a while. I asked my fellow teacher Jerry what the best way was to make it, and he gave me some ideas. I am going to try them soon. I'll keep you updated as to how my cooking turns out. Mind you, I havent cooked in a long time! :)
I am trying to get a plane ticket to go back to MO in April to see Stephanie at her Senior Recital. I promised her I would, and I havent seen her in particular, since I graduated from SBU in May 2003. She and I go wayyy back, and I miss her very much!
It's been raining and raining and raining. I seriously thought I would never see the sun again. It's wet and cold and dreary and all I want to do is to stay home and snuggle under my warm blanket. UNfortunately, I have to work. But truly, California hasnt seen so much rain in such a short amount of time. She is not equipped to handle all this water. The roads are slick with rainwater because there isnt a good drainage system and it stays on the roads, causing all sorts of accidents. Houses are sliding off hills, and there was a road that collapsed and there is a huge ole sink hole. Pot holes are everywhere. I drive through them everyday. The deluge has stopped for a little bit, but another storm system is supposed to come in Sunday sometime. STINK! And I thought I moved here for the great weather. Sigh.......

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Happy Birthday to youuuuuu
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu
Happy Birthday dear Daddy,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu

Happy Birthday to youuuu,
You are now sixty two,
I really thought you were older,
But I guess I was wrong.

(Sorry, I dont have rhyming capabilities. A little shortchanged in that area. hahaha)

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! God's blessings on you! Love, your eldest.