This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Jim Speckman is the best dentist ever! I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Ventura because I had a coupla dental appointments with him. The first day he just filled my cavities, the 2nd day however, he pulled out one of my wisdom teeth. I was really nervous because I never had teeth pulled before, but he gave me lanacane (?) and numbed me up pretty good. He told me the worst part was the injections, and I had to have one into my palatte and that one hurt the most. But he said it will last all of 3 secs and he counted it off for me too. So now I am plus 2 fillings and minus 1 tooth. I havent dared to eat much since then and I am starving as heck! I need to go get me something to eat.
On Monday a few of us went to Disneyland. Aura, Charisse, Charisse's brother Syd, Erick, Yesenia, little Jazmine and I went to Disneyland. We carpooled because it cost $10 for parking! We got there at about 11.30 am, and we didnt leave till after the fireworks, at about 10 pm. We had a lot of fun. I think mostly we wanted to make Jazmine happy, and she is crazy about the Disney Princesses, so we walked around looking for them so she could say hi to them. She saw most of them, if not all of them I think. I wasnt there, but she saw Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) and she started running after her. She caught up with her and pulled on her dress, and the lady turned, looked down and said Hi to her. I think that was pretty cool. Cinderalla gave her a hug, Belle and Snow White said Hi to her, and I dont remember what else. She saw Snow White earlier on, but the lady was walking to another place, and we couldnt catch up with her, so Jazmine was really upset she didnt get to say Hi to SW. SO, we had to go look for SW again, just so she could run after her and say Hi to her. She took pics with Pluto, the Snow White witch, Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore, and a whole bunch of other pics at different places. We sat quite a few rides, mostly kid ones that Jazmine could ride on. Apparently she's afraid of the roller coasters too! I knew I liked the girl! She and I have the same feelings about roller coasters! The parade and the fireworks were great, I'm glad we stayed till then. We didnt buy anything for ourselves, but Jazmine got a princess balloon and a Nemo stuffed animal from her "aunts". Her mom bought her a Minnie Mouse cap with her name stitched on it. All in all it was a good day, very hot, and very tiring, but very fun. I got another season pass, and I am definitely going to Disneyland again!
Today some of us are going to Jerry's house to wrap dumplings. I dont know how much I can eat, but if i have to swallow them whole, I will!
I'm not feeling well as well. I think I got a fever, and my throat hurts. Hope I get better soon, because my friend Regina is flying in from WA on Sat, and we will spend the weekend together. Should be fun!


Blogger Aura said...

DISNEYLAND ROX MY SOX! I can't believe it took me 8 years to go back! I can't wait to go again! Let me know when you wanna go back! :)

4:12 PM


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