This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, October 31, 2005

It's been a while since I updated my blog. I want to say there wasnt much to say because there wasnt much going on, but the sorry truth is that I was too lazy to write. I would have the greatest of intentions but then it would all fly out the window when I get home.
I just got done with 2 days of Cerritos and La Habra student's annual recital. Yesterday's recital was pretty easy though most of my students played. I just sat there and watched them. Today however, was a little rougher. Because I was put to work. I was there from 9 am till about 7.30 pm. It was insane. But it was pretty fun really. My students did really well. I am so very proud of them! The past week was stressful because of preparing for this recital, and I yelled at kids that I normally wouldnt yell at. I think they were shocked, but it worked, they played really well! A coupla of them gave me flowers as a thank you, and I thought that was very sweet of them.
On Friday I saw little Jazmine, and she pointed to my heart necklace and said something like, I dont have one of those things. So I took it off and let her wear it for the day. She knocked on my door just as she was leaving, and gave it back to me. So I went to Walmart and got her a little girl necklace just for herself. She was really thrilled. She wore it today too, when she came for the recital. I got her a Snow White doll not too long ago, and since it's her favorite princess, she cherishes it a lot. She keeps it at home because she doesnt want to share it. I thought that was pretty funny. Her birthday is coming up, and the girls and I know exactly what we want to get for her as a birthday present. It should be fun.
We moved the clocks back an hour today. Technically we get to sleep in an hour, but the problem is, my body is so used to waking up at a certain time that I still woke up at the same time, which didnt me any good. When I drove up to the recital hall parking lot at 9 am, I saw Yuko running like a bat outta hell. I walked in and said, you forgot about the time change didnt you? And she looked at me funny, and she said, YOU MEAN I AM AN HOUR EARLY NOW????!!!!! I laughed at her. I didnt care, it was hilarious. She thought she was late, and it turned out she was earlier than she really wanted to be.
Chilin treated all of us to dinner tonight after the last session got done. We had japanese food, which was great, because all of us were about 1/2 dead, and hungry as heck. We ate so fast we got full in no time. We survived the day, that's all that matters. Then this time next year, it happens again. In the meantime, we have time to forget how crazy these 2 days are.
I'm wide awake. It's that blasted tea I drank at the restaurant. Drat.....

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Conversation between mother and daughter:

Mom: Well, if you cant go to Monterey with Kuku, why dont you lend her your car to drive there, and then she can pick you up from work in the evening?

Audrey: Um Mom? Monterey is 6 hours away.....

(laughter for the next 2 mins)

I love my Mama. She cracks me up

Saturday, October 01, 2005

2 things I thought would never ever happen happened today.

One, I found out Kuku has a cell phone, and a working one, not just one for show.... and
Two, She used the cell phone to SMS me!!!

Will wonders never cease.....