This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, February 20, 2004

So gas prices are sky high now. It's over $2.00 and it's not coming down. It just pains me to go get gas. It's a mystery to me why it's going up. The holiday season's been over a long time ago. Oh, and my car engine still sounds loud to me. At least it's louder than before! But the people I talk to say there is nothing to worry about, and they know cars!
I heard the song God's Love in Walmart tonight! I couldnt believe my ears! I havent heard that song in a long long time. And I must have been the only one singing along with it.
The commercial for Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ was just on, and it reminded me that a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go watch it with her. I dont know if I can handle watching that movie because it's so emotionally draining. The question is, who nailed Jesus to the cross? Apparently, in the movie, the Jews did. But we all know we were the ones who did it. He died for all of us. We all had a part in it. That's very devastating to know that I had a part in Jesus' cruxifiction.
I managed to talk to Stephanie and Jana yesterday, and I really needed them. They are my closest bestest friends, and without them I would go insane. I can handle living in LA because I know I still have them back in Missouri. I miss them so much. But it's good to know that I can just pick up the phone and call them and it feels like we arent that far away.
Well it's almost midnight here. So I'm off to bed because I have to get up EARLY tomorrow, and then I'm driving to Ventura to spend the day with Kathy Tobias. She's a neat lady, and she's an elder's wife. I'm looking forward to it.
And to AiAi who says I have bad spelling, it's only fast fingers working. And besides, I used SPELLCHECK! HA!


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