This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, April 18, 2005

For Baby Anne

Hello little Anne,

This is your auntie Audrey. You probaby dont know me yet, and truth be told, I probably wont be able to see you till youre about 3 years old! But hey, welcome to the world! It's big, it's bad, it's beautiful.
So you and me, we got a lot of things in common. We are the first child, and grandchild of the family. Oh oh oh, and both our names start with A! I dont think your parents really intended that coincidence, but like me, I think you'll grow to love the letter A and it will be your favorite!
So what's this I hear about you sleeping in the mornings and wide eyed and bushy tailed at the night time?? Gurrll, if you look outside and it's dark, THAT'S when you need to be sleeping. And when the sun is up, then you have to be up as well. I know you dont know the difference yet, but I think the faster you get this concept, the more your parents will thank you. Here's a little secret: parents get a little grumpy when they dont get enough sleep. And besides, your grandpa, (my dad) says he hardly sees you with your eyes open because youre always sleeping when he's there. You gotta show off your gorgeous eyes a little! Big eyes are beautiful, so the more you open them, the bigger they will get. Haha, just a little joke there, dont believe me. Big or small eyes, God created you just the way He wanted you to look. Remember that if and when you arent satisfied with the way you look.
I dont profess to be very wise, or even wise, period. But you know, I've learnt a few lessons in my lifetime, and I know youre too young to understand, but hey, it's never too early to tell you about some of them:

  1. Always wash your hands after you go to the bathroom.
  2. Dirt never killed anyone. Just dont eat too much of it.
  3. Vegetables are good for you. I know they dont taste very good most of the time, but here's a tip, what tastes bad is usually good for you, and what tastes absolutely wonderful and decadent, probably isnt good for you at all!
  4. If you had to choose between not sleeping and sleeping, my humble suggestion is SLEEP! You always feel so much better after a good rest. (Hence the suggestion to get your days and nights straight so your parents can sleep too!)
  5. Crying is good for the soul. I find it helps me release some tension and stress. Right up there with that thought is that Laughter is the best medicine. Laugh as much as you can, as often as you can. And smile, Annie, Smile. Always have a smile on your face.
  6. Grandparents are wonderful people. Never, never, never give up the chance to spend time with them. Besides, they are a great source for treats!
  7. Your daddy and mommy are wonderful, wise people. Always ask them for advice and direction. They DO know better than you, and because they love you, they will always want the best for you.
  8. LISTEN to your parents. They know more than you.
  9. Have love for the unlovable. The results are unbelievable.
  10. Above all, have Jesus in your heart, and trust God in everything you do. He loves you more than all of us combined, and then some!

These are just some things I've realized in my life, and I know your parents and grandparents will add to that as time goes on. So babe, enjoy your babyhood, because before you know it, you'll be potty trained, and you will have to clean up after yourself. Give me a call sometime, I'm always here for you.

with lotsa hugs and kisses,

Auntie Audrey


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