This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

SHREK EARS!!!!!! I got Shrek Ears!!!! Aura, Charisse and I went to Universal Studios today, because our annual pass is about to be up in a coupla weeks, and we havent gone since the first time! It was a wonderful time. I was carsick on the way there, but as soon as I got out of the car, I felt a lot better. We saw the Terminator 2 show, which was really cool, and we also went to sit the Studio Ride, which took us all over the compound. We saw the new set for the movie War of the Worlds. It was an awesome set--it was chaos, because the movie is about a plane that crashed into a little neighborhood. On one side was the mutilated airplane, on the other side was a totally destroyed neighborhood. Charisse and I saw the Shrek Ears sometime on the way, and we both wanted it, so we both got it. And we wore it all day because we were so proud of it. Now I am the proud owner of Shrek Ears. All in all, it was a great day. I didnt dare ride the Mummy ride, but I'm glad I didnt, because apparently our locker that we left our stuff in didnt close. It was unlocked the whole time. I was waiting for the girls, and for some reason I thought to go in to check the lockers and that's when I found out. So I took all our stuff out and hung on to them while waiting. Thank God none of our stuff got stolen. We ate funnel cake, and it was really good. We did the same thing last year too. Oh yeah, we also watched the Animal Kingdom show. The animals were really cute. All that said, I have one more thing to say.....


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