This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, February 23, 2004

I saw the funniest thing yesterday. Jeff and Dana have a puppy called Baober. Say it in Chinese and it means precious. And he really is a precious little puppy. So Jeff asks me, have you seen Baober stalking? I said no, so Jeff shows me. He starts to walk really slowly away from Baober, and Baober starts to walk really slowly with Jeff too. Baober's movements were as slow as Jeff's were. It was so so funny. And then Jeff takes off running, and Baober shoots off after him. He is really the funniest animal. He thinks I'm his personal tummy scratched. Everything he sees me, he lays on his tummy, just waiting for me to scratch it. And when he doesnt get enough and I've had enough, he begs. He begged for food this afternoon at lunch. I was sitting on the couch eating, and he jumped up right next to me, and sat on his hind legs, and with his 2 front paws, begged for food. He's got a little protruding lower lip that makes him look like a little monkey. He is really cute. And so much personality!!
I spent Saturday afternoon at the Tobias's home, and had a nice chat with Kathie. Her husband Bob is an elder in the church, and they are a very nice older couple. They are young enough to be in touch with the younger crowd, but they have 6 grandchildren. And then they had me and the Potts family over for dinner, and Kathie made this awesome pie with peanut butter, low fat cream cheese, whip cream, brown sugar and vanilla. It was SO good! I could have eaten 3 slices, but of course I didnt! They had a piano, so after dinner and chatting, Jeff says, why dont we sing? And so I played the piano and they sang.
I spent this afternoon with Becky. She's an awesome friend. And she's got a very powerful voice. She's thinking of going to grad school close to where I live. I am so happy to hear that.
I enjoy talking to AiAi every night. I think we've shared more online chatting than in any conversation we had when I was in Singapore. Tonight I shared with her how I've actually begun to really worship in church again. And it took me leaving Singapore to do it. And I thank God for that actually.


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