This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

It's dad and mom's wedding anniversary tomorrow. (Today Singapore time), so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAD AND MOM!!! So this blog is a tribute to my parents. Because if they didnt get married, I wouldnt be here, neither would my sisters!
My dad is very patient and he's the smartest person I know. I remember asking him for help with homework and he could always answer my questions. And what he didnt know, he helped me look up. I know he got frustrated with me when it came to Math because I never got it. I dont think any of us inherited his math abilities, much to his dismay I think! But he pushed me when it came to music. He saw something in me that I couldnt see when I was younger. I tried to quit once, and he didnt allow it. And his condition for me furthering my studies was that I was to major in music. And I'm glad he pushed me. I always tell this story to my students and their parents. I remember when I was taking my grade 8 ABRSM exam. I was 16 then. And one Saturday afternoon, dad said, Audrey come practise piano. And he sat beside me for the next 2 hours, making me play scales over and over again. He never got mad at me when I got it wrong, but I remember his patience in making me play it over and over drove me insane. I think that was the day I started to cuss. (haha!) He has a great heart, and is always willing to help others. He would go out of his way to accomodate others and make them happy. He also has a very prayerful heart. I felt that the most when I was in college. I know he prayed for me everyday, and the fact that I had the time of my life in college is testimony to that. I know he keeps my sisters, Faith and Ai, and I in his prayers daily, in the different situations that we are facing in our lives. His emails to me when I was in college, and even now always ends with God be with you in everything. I always enjoy my conversations with him. We can talk about something really deep, then again we can chat about nothing at all. Like F1 racing. I remember one conversation we had was totally about Michel Schumacher and F1 racing. His steadfast faith in our Heavenly Father always encourages me, especially when I get disappointed and distressed about things.
Mom has such a giving heart. She doesnt always show it, but she cares a lot for people and she would totally go out of her way to help others. She always keeps her word, even when it means she has to sacrifice something of her own. She was a stay home mom till Ai was 12, and then she went back to work. But she always had dinner for the rest of us, and dont think I didnt notice it, but she always left the best parts of the meal for us. She used to make this beef and bittergourd dish which I didnt really like because I didnt like bittergourd (and I still dont like it!) but she would eat more of the bittergourd than the beef. Mom is very ethical when it comes to work. She doesnt slack off and she doesnt join in when her colleagues argue about when one is to take time off for vacation. She just says, it's ok, I just wont be the one to take time off then! She never takes a day off, unless she is very very sick. Notice I wrote 2 verys. Her boss really likes her because she is so consciencious about her work. She is a clean freak. Sorry mom, but you know you are. :). She would always make us clean our rooms too. Which I never did very often because I was rebellious and didnt want to do what she asked me to. So we are often at odds because I'm stubborn. But funny thing is, our relationship got so much better after I left Singapore. Maybe because I grew up a little after I left. Or maybe absence does really make the heart grow fonder. Mom cooks fantastic. I cant cook as good as she does, but my friends sure dont complain when I cook for them! So maybe I got a little of the domestic gene from her. I'm hopeful I'm not totally undomestic!
So I hope I am a healthy mix of both parents. I know Faith, Ai and I are very grateful to them for everything they've done, and given up for us. I am who I am because of them, and I thank God for that. To end, I would like to borrow a few lines from Bette Midler's song "Wind Beneath My Wings":
"Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings."
Happy Anniversary, Dad and Mom! With lots of love, Audrey, and by proxy, Faith and Ai.

Monday, September 13, 2004

I just watched a new reality show called Renovate My Family. Apparently, this family needed a makeover not just their physical bodies but also their home. They have a son who was in a horrible accident and is now a paraplegic. The house is not wheelchair friendly and he cant get around very well. Basically, the show transformed not just their house but their lives as well. I was crying at the end (I know, I'm a sap!) because I realized how blessed I am to have every faculty of my body working for me. The son who was in the accident will never walk again, and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. I thank God for a healthy body. I thank God for a sound mind. I thank God for a wonderful family. I thank God for great friends. This show reminded me of my personal motto "Life's too short to be miserable."
I've been feeling a little low lately just because of a coupla things I'm dealing with. But I need to remember that not just is life too short to be miserable, God is also in control. It's really hard sometimes to remember that, and I worry about things, and like a friend keeps saying, You think too much.
I think I'm rambling because I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this! I'm not feeling too hot today so I'm going to go to bed and sleep off whatever virus is in me right now! I might come back to this topic later. Goodnight!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

CAR INSURANCE. So apparently I've been paying a ton for my car insurance. I decided to check out another insurance company, and the quote they gave me was 1/3 the payments I've been making to the old insurance company. Even with my car accident! I am SO thankful for cheaper insurance! It totally takes some burden off me.
I started work again yesterday. I was not ready to go back to work! I had a really nice vacation. A lot of it was working at the office in Chino Hills, but I also had really fun times in between too. My next vacation is in November, and Stephanie says she MIGHT try to come out here to visit me! I'm really excited that she is thinking about it. I miss her a lot!
I had student who came back for lessons today after taking the whole summer off. She's such a fun kid. Her name is Haley, and she's only 6. She doesnt like to read notes, neither does she like to play the pieces in the correct way. BUT she has great hearing and she really has a good memory. She just doesnt want to show it. She still remembered a lot of stuff after 3 months of no piano lessons. I was really impressed with her. She doesnt like to practise, but she loves piano lessons. Which makes me feel very good about myself!
Maybe I will have more stories next week! But the big thing for this week is that, I'm back at work, VERY RELUCTANTLY, I might add!