This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, September 13, 2004

I just watched a new reality show called Renovate My Family. Apparently, this family needed a makeover not just their physical bodies but also their home. They have a son who was in a horrible accident and is now a paraplegic. The house is not wheelchair friendly and he cant get around very well. Basically, the show transformed not just their house but their lives as well. I was crying at the end (I know, I'm a sap!) because I realized how blessed I am to have every faculty of my body working for me. The son who was in the accident will never walk again, and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. I thank God for a healthy body. I thank God for a sound mind. I thank God for a wonderful family. I thank God for great friends. This show reminded me of my personal motto "Life's too short to be miserable."
I've been feeling a little low lately just because of a coupla things I'm dealing with. But I need to remember that not just is life too short to be miserable, God is also in control. It's really hard sometimes to remember that, and I worry about things, and like a friend keeps saying, You think too much.
I think I'm rambling because I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this! I'm not feeling too hot today so I'm going to go to bed and sleep off whatever virus is in me right now! I might come back to this topic later. Goodnight!


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