This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, October 29, 2004

The strangest memory came to me as I was taking my shower. It is a funny yet exhilerating memory, and I started to laugh in the middle of my shower.
The summer of my freshman year I was asked to help a football player up his grades in math. His name is Shawn Linder, and he is a big, tall, black defense player in our school team. He was failing math, and if he didnt pass math by the end of summer, he would not be able to play football the coming season. Because I got good grades in my math, my teacher gave my name to the football coach at that time, and I was called and asked to help him. So I spent 1 1/2 hours twice a week with him, helping him understand math, making him do homework and stuff like that. And then he had to take his first test. I was nervous for him because it reflected on me as well. And I prayed very hard for him. I prepared him as much as I could and then he went to take his test. The results only came back a week later I think. But we plodded on in the meantime.
Then one day as I walked into the football office, the secretary at that time, Tammy, said, really seriously and quietly, Coach wants to see you. Now, the head coach at that time (I forgot his name) was someone to be feared. I mean, he is a nice guy, and he was always nice to me, and appreciative of my helping Shawn. But he's got a face that scares people who dont know him, and I know he has a temper that noone wants to provoke. Then there was another coach. His name is Matt, and he was the defense coach I think. He was the one I give reports to. He is a younger guy and he is more friendly and approachable. Anyway, as soon as I heard that the head coach wanted to see me, I got worried. I knew it had something to do with Shawn's grades.
I walked into his office, feeling more worried with each step, like I'm facing my doom. And true enough, Coach was waiting for me. The first thing he said to me was, (almost yelling), WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR??? ARE YOU GUYS DOING ANY WORK AT ALL??? And I managed to stammer out, Yes we are! He is doing his work! Then coach goes, LOOK AT THIS, JUST LOOK AT THIS GRADE!!!!! And he hands me Shawn's test. I almost didnt want to look at it, but I did, and what I saw was an 86! At first I didnt understand, because of all the trauma I had to go through earlier, but then it hit me that it wasnt a failing grade, it was a B! I started to laugh and jump up and down and yelling, IT'S AN 86!!! IT'S A B!!!! HE GOT A B!! And Coach started to smile, then he started to laugh because of my reaction. There was another football player in the office at that time, and he had to smile too. Then Coach congratulated me and told me to keep up the good work. I ran outside and I hear Tammy laughing. I was like, Did you know about this??? And she goes, Yes! I did! Then I went into Matt's office and asked him, Did YOU know about this? And he started to smile and said, Yeah I did. Everyone was in on this joke and apparently they couldnt wait for me to get into the office that day to give me one hell of a scare.
It was a great great day. I was so proud of Shawn. In the end, he got himself a C for an overall grade, and though I thought he could have made a B, I was still very glad he passed Math and is able to play football. He graduated at the same time as I did, and he caught me as I was walking into the music building after graduation and he said, I have to take a picture with you, you are my math tutor! I wish I got a copy of the picture! But anyway, I hope he is doing well, wherever he is.
Anyway, to totally change the subject, there is SNOW ON THE MOUNTAINTOPS! I was driving to work today, and I drove through some hilly areas. As I was going down hill, I looked around me and I thought to myself, How pretty! The rain has made all the grass green, something I've not seen in months and months. Then I turn the corner and in front of me were the mountains and there was snow at the peaks, and I couldnt help but smile and say out loud, OH MY GOSH!!! It is so so so pretty!!! Totally made my day. And for the rest of the day, wherever I drove, if I saw mountains, I would look longer at them because I love snow, and I especially love looking at snow on the mountains. Wish the snow would fall down here in the valleys though. It would be SO COOL.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I spent the afternoon with Yuko today. We went shopping after I got done with work. The reason for the shopping trip was a blouse I saw at Ann Taylor Loft in Ventura which I tried on, and was just a little too snug. So I wanted the next size up, but they didnt have it. So Yuko brought me to one in Westminster, and had one in the size I wanted! I tried it on, but then it was too big! So I was very bummed because I really liked the blouse. Oh well, I saved some money I guess. So we didnt get anything today, but we did have fun walking around and just chatting. Then we went to have Korean food, which is always yummy. And after dinner, we went back to her place and hung out for a little bit. Eric, her husband made us coffee and we watched the baseball game between the St Louis Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox. It was fun to hang out with both Yuko and Eric.
It's starting to get chilly. So the jackets and boots are out and the skirts and flip flops are back in storage. And the other day, I saw snow on the mountain tops! The past week was kinda rainy and it was hard to wake up in the morning to go to work. And of course it was hard to drive too. But the weather is nice now. Sunny and chilly at the same time. It smells like Fall now!
Gas prices are going up again. I paid $2.29 a gallon today. It was worse the last week. Hopefully it's coming down soon. I'm sick of paying so much for gas.
I dont have to go to church tomorrow because they dont need me. Which is nice because I get to sleep in. And it works out because I can help out in the school's Singer Showcase. This is the recital for the vocal students of the school. After that we are invited to Felicia's birthday party. Felicia is the older daughter of Chilin and Synthia. If I had known earlier, I would have gotten her a gift. But I'll probably get her something later on.
My life is nothing but work work and more work. I feel like I am on the go 24/7. Which is good as compared to nothing to do. But truth be told, I'm glad I dont have to go to church tomorrow. I cant wait to sleep in. So, goodnight!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Yesterday was Celebration Sunday for First Baptist Church, Ventura. We celebrated the end of our 40 days of Purpose journey. It was a great time of worship and praise and there were about 20 some odd people who got baptized. And of course there was lunch after that! It was a lot of fun. I got to do something I really love doing. I played the piano while people were having lunch. It was very relaxing to just sit at the piano and basically shut my mind off and let my hands go on autopilot. I loved it. People were very appreciative of the music, but I was just really happy to have been able to do something I love.
But the 40 days of purpose journey was great for me too. I was plugged into a small group, and I resisted at first, but I grew to really enjoy the time together and I did look forward to the meetings. The ladies in my group are all in different points in our lives, and we all have something to contribute to the group. I've been very blessed by the sharing and testimonies from all of them. And I've made new friends in the process, and that is a wonderful thing! We dont have the small group anymore, but I think we will still keep in touch.
I went to a ballet last Saturday because of Charisse's birthday. Her birthday was in April, but we didnt ever do anything special for her birthday, so we decided to go to a ballet because she loves dance. It was the first time for me, and it was very interesting. The ballet didnt really have a storyline, and it was what we firgure out for ourselves. Blessing and I had a harder time than Charisse and Aura I think! We both didnt have much of a clue of what was going on. Charisse kept saying it's what we interpret it to be. And I think both Blessing and I interpreted that the guy on stage with the 2 girls was a cheater. Haha. That's how bad we were. But it was very fun, and I'm glad I had the chance to watch a ballet.
Then this Saturday, Dawne come from Missouri. She was visiting friends and we spent most of Saturday together. I met her at her motel and we went for lunch. Then we went to the 99 cent Depot next door and bought some stuff. Then we just went back to her room and chatted and caught up with each other's lives. She was my resident director when I was living in the dorm in college, and we got along great because we are close in age and we think alike. We had a good time, and it's always good to see her. I'm glad to hear that things are going great for her.
This weekend will be a quiet one I think. And I'm kinda glad because it's been a while since I got some time to myself. Which reminds me. I get the morning off tomorrow! YAY!