This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I spent the afternoon with Yuko today. We went shopping after I got done with work. The reason for the shopping trip was a blouse I saw at Ann Taylor Loft in Ventura which I tried on, and was just a little too snug. So I wanted the next size up, but they didnt have it. So Yuko brought me to one in Westminster, and had one in the size I wanted! I tried it on, but then it was too big! So I was very bummed because I really liked the blouse. Oh well, I saved some money I guess. So we didnt get anything today, but we did have fun walking around and just chatting. Then we went to have Korean food, which is always yummy. And after dinner, we went back to her place and hung out for a little bit. Eric, her husband made us coffee and we watched the baseball game between the St Louis Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox. It was fun to hang out with both Yuko and Eric.
It's starting to get chilly. So the jackets and boots are out and the skirts and flip flops are back in storage. And the other day, I saw snow on the mountain tops! The past week was kinda rainy and it was hard to wake up in the morning to go to work. And of course it was hard to drive too. But the weather is nice now. Sunny and chilly at the same time. It smells like Fall now!
Gas prices are going up again. I paid $2.29 a gallon today. It was worse the last week. Hopefully it's coming down soon. I'm sick of paying so much for gas.
I dont have to go to church tomorrow because they dont need me. Which is nice because I get to sleep in. And it works out because I can help out in the school's Singer Showcase. This is the recital for the vocal students of the school. After that we are invited to Felicia's birthday party. Felicia is the older daughter of Chilin and Synthia. If I had known earlier, I would have gotten her a gift. But I'll probably get her something later on.
My life is nothing but work work and more work. I feel like I am on the go 24/7. Which is good as compared to nothing to do. But truth be told, I'm glad I dont have to go to church tomorrow. I cant wait to sleep in. So, goodnight!


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