This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Yesterday was Celebration Sunday for First Baptist Church, Ventura. We celebrated the end of our 40 days of Purpose journey. It was a great time of worship and praise and there were about 20 some odd people who got baptized. And of course there was lunch after that! It was a lot of fun. I got to do something I really love doing. I played the piano while people were having lunch. It was very relaxing to just sit at the piano and basically shut my mind off and let my hands go on autopilot. I loved it. People were very appreciative of the music, but I was just really happy to have been able to do something I love.
But the 40 days of purpose journey was great for me too. I was plugged into a small group, and I resisted at first, but I grew to really enjoy the time together and I did look forward to the meetings. The ladies in my group are all in different points in our lives, and we all have something to contribute to the group. I've been very blessed by the sharing and testimonies from all of them. And I've made new friends in the process, and that is a wonderful thing! We dont have the small group anymore, but I think we will still keep in touch.
I went to a ballet last Saturday because of Charisse's birthday. Her birthday was in April, but we didnt ever do anything special for her birthday, so we decided to go to a ballet because she loves dance. It was the first time for me, and it was very interesting. The ballet didnt really have a storyline, and it was what we firgure out for ourselves. Blessing and I had a harder time than Charisse and Aura I think! We both didnt have much of a clue of what was going on. Charisse kept saying it's what we interpret it to be. And I think both Blessing and I interpreted that the guy on stage with the 2 girls was a cheater. Haha. That's how bad we were. But it was very fun, and I'm glad I had the chance to watch a ballet.
Then this Saturday, Dawne come from Missouri. She was visiting friends and we spent most of Saturday together. I met her at her motel and we went for lunch. Then we went to the 99 cent Depot next door and bought some stuff. Then we just went back to her room and chatted and caught up with each other's lives. She was my resident director when I was living in the dorm in college, and we got along great because we are close in age and we think alike. We had a good time, and it's always good to see her. I'm glad to hear that things are going great for her.
This weekend will be a quiet one I think. And I'm kinda glad because it's been a while since I got some time to myself. Which reminds me. I get the morning off tomorrow! YAY!


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