This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

It's amazing how in exactly a week, it will be February. It's wild how time flies. Anyway. Had a great time at dinner with Aura tonight. And we talked about things we would do in 2005. And here is my list:

Things to do in 2005:
  1. Lose another 20 lbs
  2. Go for High Tea
  3. Go to a club
  4. Two words -- ROAD TRIP!!!!!
  5. Go to a live taping of a TV show
  6. See the leaves change color and fall during Fall. (Definitely cant be in CA!)
  7. Go for another concert, musical, and yes, even ballet. (Yes Chiz, I would go to another ballet. :D)
  8. Go out on a date. (a nice fun one, where HE pays, haha.)
  9. Take a class/course.
  10. Visit a place I've never been to before.
  11. Go on a hike

Personal Goals:

  1. Get started on my GC application
  2. Move out on my own
  3. Learn to say "No" when necessary
  4. Save
  5. Enjoy life and be thankful for all of God's blessings
  6. Volunteer (in a hospital maybe. Even if it's just once!)
  7. Learn a new skill. (anything, from Excel to knitting. Wellllll, maybe not knitting. But you get the picture)
  8. Keep in better contact with friends and family.

Keep checking back to see if I've updated this list. In the meantime, Thank God for Sunshine!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Ahhhhhhhh, the rain.......

Edwin Arnold says: A little rain will fill The lily's cup which hardly moists the field. (The Light of Asia)

The Bible, in Psalms says: He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.

Longfellow says: Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; Behind the clouds the sun is shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. (An April Day)

Robert Loveman says: It is not raining to me, It's raining daffodils; In every dimpled drop I see wild flowers on distant hills. (April Rain, appeared in "Harper's Magazine", May, 1901)

Percy Shelley says: I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers, From the seas and the streams; I bear light shade for the leaves when laid In their noonday dreams. From my wings are shaken the dews that waken The sweet buds every one, When rocked to rest on their mother's breast, As she dances about the sun. I wield the flail of the lashing hail, And whiten the green plains under, And then again I dissolve it in rain, And laugh as I pass in thunder. (The Cloud)

James Thomson says: The Clouds consign their treasures to the fields; And, softly shaking on the dimpled pool Prelusive drops, let all their moisture flow In large effusion, o'er the freshen'd world. (Seasons--Spring)

Audrey says: I AM SICK OF IT!!!!! (Sunday 1/10/05, after 5 days of non-stop deluge)

Monday, January 03, 2005

Wow, it's been a long time since I last wrote! So many things have happened, I dont even remember what they were! But the best thing was that my parents and my aunt came to visit me from Singapore. They spent about 2 weeks here with me, and we did a whole bunch of stuff.
My parents went to Vegas the first 2 days they were here because I still had to work, and they enjoyed it, but I think 2 days was just enough for them. Then when my vacation started I took them places. We went to the mountains one day, and it was very beautiful up there. I need to go there again! I took them around to the places I worked, and I think the one comment they had was Man, you sure drive a lot! Then we spent 2 days in San Diego, and it was the first time I've been there too. We got there on a Sunday afternoon, and we stayed at a nice little hotel called Western Inn. It was really close to this road called "San Diego Ave" where they had little quaint shops and lots of restaurants and we walked there for a little bit. Then my aunt wanted to go to Balboa Park, so we got directions and drove there. It is a very interesting place. Too bad it was almost closing time when we got there, so we didnt get to go into the museums. Then we drove across the Coronado bridge and went to visit the Hotel Del Coronado. It was all lighted up, and it was very pretty. Again, I would like to visit San Diego again. Then we went back to San Diego Ave and had a really really good dinner there. I wouldnt mind eating there again too! The nest day we spent at Seaworld. I think I expected more of Seaworld. I enjoyed the 2 shows, the dolphin and the Shamu show.
We did a lot of shopping in between because we had to babysit Joshua. On Tuesday I drove them all the way up to NORTHRIDGE, which was halfway up to Ventura, to visit a friend of theirs. We had to take Joshua with us. He behaved pretty good that day, and I bought him a cookie to reward him. It was a VERY long day that day. I could have done without it, but some things cant be avoided I guess!
We spent Christmas eve, Christmas day and the day after in Ventura. I had to play the piano for the Christmas eve service, and then we had dinner with Jeff and Dana and their family, and then we went back to their place and opened presents. Christmas morning, Jeff took all of us on a tour of Ventura, which is really pretty. Then we had Christmas dinner and watched the sunset at the beach. Then on Sunday after Church, I drove them up to Solvang, for a short visit. It is very pretty up there. I need to go up there again soon too!
Then they left on Monday because they had a 2 free nights stay in Hong Kong. My aunt left to visit a friend in Davis, CA, and she just left tonight for SIngapore. All in all I have gone to LAX 7, count it, SEVEN, times these past 3 weeks or so. And I have driven about 2000 miles since they got here. I need to go in for another oil change right about now. But, it was a good trip, and I'm glad they came. My sisters are pregnant, and my dad said they dont know when they would be able to come again since the babies are coming, so I'm glad they made the trip before the babies came, if not, I probably wont see them for another 3 years!
I had an informal Christmas concert for some of my students the Sat and Sun before my parents came, and it was a blast. All the kids dressed up really pretty, and they played pieces they liked. I let them pick their own songs, and I think they had a good time. I know the parents had a great time watching their kids perform! At the end, I performed a piece for them too. It was a lot of fuin, and a lot of food, but it was really tiring. I'm glad I only do this once a year.
So 2004 is over, and 2005 is upon us. I hope 2005 will be a lot better than 2004, because it was a hard year. But thank God for good friends and family, because without their prayers and support I would not have made it through the year. Heres to a great year ahead!