This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

It's amazing how in exactly a week, it will be February. It's wild how time flies. Anyway. Had a great time at dinner with Aura tonight. And we talked about things we would do in 2005. And here is my list:

Things to do in 2005:
  1. Lose another 20 lbs
  2. Go for High Tea
  3. Go to a club
  4. Two words -- ROAD TRIP!!!!!
  5. Go to a live taping of a TV show
  6. See the leaves change color and fall during Fall. (Definitely cant be in CA!)
  7. Go for another concert, musical, and yes, even ballet. (Yes Chiz, I would go to another ballet. :D)
  8. Go out on a date. (a nice fun one, where HE pays, haha.)
  9. Take a class/course.
  10. Visit a place I've never been to before.
  11. Go on a hike

Personal Goals:

  1. Get started on my GC application
  2. Move out on my own
  3. Learn to say "No" when necessary
  4. Save
  5. Enjoy life and be thankful for all of God's blessings
  6. Volunteer (in a hospital maybe. Even if it's just once!)
  7. Learn a new skill. (anything, from Excel to knitting. Wellllll, maybe not knitting. But you get the picture)
  8. Keep in better contact with friends and family.

Keep checking back to see if I've updated this list. In the meantime, Thank God for Sunshine!


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