This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I had a great time in Missouri last weekend. I had to miss 3 days of work, but oh well, it was worth it!
I arrived in Kansas City and Dawne picked me up from the airport. Apparently they had a tornado warning not long before I was supposed to have arrived, and they had evacuated everyone in the airport to the tunnels. I was blissfully unaware of all that, I was still in the air. Of course we went through some pretty horrible turbulance. I thought I was on a roller coaster at some point. It was NOT COOL. Then we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. That was my request. I had told Dawne before that my one request was to eat at Cracker Barrel, and she accommodated me! She also invited 3 of her friends to join us, and we had a great time there. They were all very fun people. I spent the night at her place, and the next day after work she drove me down to Bolivar. It was a 3 1/2 hour trip, but we had a great time catching up then. The thing about Dawne and I is that we wont talk for the longest time, but when we do, we have a lot to talk about. It's great. She's a great friend! She spent the weekend with her aunt who lives in Springfield, and on Sunday she came back up to pick me up to go to the airport.
So I got to Bolivar at about 4 pm and visited with Melinda Smashey. She was my professor while I was in school though she never really taught any of my classes. But after I graduated, she became Melinda rather than Dr Smashey, which I think it's great, and fun. She's around my age, and she is so much fun to be around. Then we met up with Tammie and we went to El Rodeo for dinner, again my idea. It was fast and good because we didnt have time to have a long slow dinner. It was great to see Tammie again too. She's wonderful, and we talk sometimes on the phone, (I wish more often) and it always seems like nothing's changed, even when I moved so far away. Funny thing: She was wearing this really pretty pink skirt, and I asked her, did you pick it out or did Stephanie pick it out for you? I think she was insulted that I didnt trust her taste. Hahahaha. Apparently Melinda asked her the same question. Sometime when I was in school I had become her fashion consultant, and I told her once, Tammie you look like a grandma in that. We've had many fun shopping trips in Springfield since then, and when Stephanie took her shopping, all she had to say was Tammie you look like a grandma in that, and Tammie would put it right back onto the rack. It's great.
Stephanie's recital was wonderful. It was so good to hear her sing, she's matured so much since I left. It was an awesome recital. She went first, and I think I almost teared up because I hadnt seen her in so long, and now she's doing a senior recital! She did wonderful, and she looked beautiful in her gown. Olivia went next and she did fantastic too. Very different quality of voice from Steph's, but it was a good contrast.
I had told Dr Brown a while back that I was going to be in town for Steph's recital, and I guess he forgot because I didnt see him there. But then he showed up for Olivia's recital, and I got to see him and talk to him then. Apparently Dr Kathy Brown saw me, and called him at home, letting him know that I was here, and he took time out to come down to see me. He wasnt going to come for the recitals because he was so busy, but he took time out to come visit with me. I was so grateful for that, because a trip back wouldnt be complete unless I saw him. He's a great dean and a really wonderful piano teacher. He taught me a lot while I was under his tutelege. Sometimes I wish I could still take lessons from him. But it was really good to see all my friends and professors again in that short trip.
Steph and Olivia had a reception at First Baptist church, and that was the time when I really got to visit with everyone. Besides, the food was great. If I hadnt had dinner already, I would have had my dinner there.
I spent the 2 nights with Steph, and we had a good time. We talked and caught up with each other, and just hung out, like old times. Too bad I was struck with a migrain the one day I could spend with her. I was a little bummed about it, but I was in too much pain to be too bummed. Somehow by the grace of God I managed to be on the go until after dinner, that was when it struck the hardest. BUT, the point was I got to see Steph again before she left for the Philippines.
Sunday morning Dawne came to pick me up and we had Sonic for lunch. At least I did, she already ate. I love Sonic, not so much for the burgers, they are ok, but not super fantastic, but the drinks are wonderful. Strawberry Limeade....YUM! Wish we had Sonics here. And then we began our long drive back to Kansas City for me to catch my flight at 4.30 pm.
All in all it was a wonderful trip back. It was too too short, I wish I got to spend more time with my friends, but I had to get back, work was waiting for me. In some ways I needed this getaway too, for my own sanity. Things were just starting to close in a little more, and I felt that if I didnt do something, I would start to crack. So this weekend was good for my sanity too.
So, to Steph, Tammie, Melinda, Dr Browns, and everyone else, I'm so so glad I got another chance to meet up with you again. I dont know when the next time will be, but you're never far from my heart and my thoughts. Take care, y'all! (havent lost the slang!)


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