This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, May 27, 2005

I was supposed to be on break this week, but due to the fact that I was gone for a weekend in April, I had to do makeups this week. But I managed to take Tuesday off.
I spent Wednesday with Yuko. We went to the Block to shop and have lunch. It was a lot of fun, I've missed hanging out with her. She brought me to then Ann Taylor outlet store, and there were skirts for $5!!! So I bought 4. They are nice ones too! I tried buying some tops, but it didnt work out. Oh well, no big deal. I had a great time with her. I had to leave because Charisse was graduating that evening, and Aura, Youty and I went to her graduation. We're so proud of her! Congratulations, Charisse!!! Then we went out for dinner with her family, and spent a little time at Starbucks, and then I went home.
I worked all of Thursday, and then I taught today and I will teach tomorrow too. Oh well, cant wait for the next vacation!
It's been nice to be able to take a little break, even though it's just a day.
I want to watch the movie "Madagascar". It sounds like a really funny show. Maybe the girls will watch it with me.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith.......


I watched it tonight with Aura, Charisse and Priscilla. I thought I was crazy to watch it the day after it opened, but I really enjoyed it. There were moments when I thought I was going to start crying, but I didnt. Priscilla, on the other hand, was bawling. (hehe). Now that I know the background of Darth Vadar, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, I want to watch the original Star Wars series. My favorite of them all: Return of the Jedi! Love those fight scenes. Anyway, this is a great show, I would recommand it.

Sunday, May 08, 2005



Love, Audrey

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Funniest thing happened today. I was working in office this morning and my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and it said Stacy Genovese. So I pick up the phone and I say, STACY! There was a silence, and then I hear this little voice going, This is Jessica. It was Stacy's 4 year old daughter! So I thought maybe Stacy had something to tell me and let her daughter speak to me first. So I had a 5 min conversation with Jessica, and then I lost the connection. I called Stacy back, and she goes, "Oh my gosh I didnt know she was talking to you! I asked her to call her daddy at home, and then I heard her talking to someone, and when she hung up I asked her if daddy was home, and she goes I dont know, I didnt talk to him. So I asked her who she talked to and she says, I dont know, I just hit number 4 on your phone." It was really funny. You had to be there.....

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I watched the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" with Aura this morning. The most nonsensical movie I've seen in a long time, but it was SO funny. I laughed and laughed and laughed. A lot of British humor, and slapstick, but there were some moments when if I could have rolled on the ground I would have. Havent laughed so long and loud in a long time.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I spent Friday evening with the Genovese family. Stacy, the mom, is my student. She comes in for lessons on Monday nights, and I always look forward to her lesson because we always have fun.
She came to me November 2003 with no experience in piano playing, and now, 1 1/2 years later, she's playing Bach's Minuet in G. She's made it a point to practise as much as can with taking care of a family. She's got 2 little girls, Jessica and Julia, who come for lessons with her sometimes when her husband, Rich, is out of town. The come into class with books and puzzles and blankies and coloring stuff, and the girls entertain themselves pretty good! Once in a while we'll hear, mommy, mommy! But's it's always a pleasure to have all of them. Once Rich came into her lesson to listen to her play, and I think he was pretty impressed!
Stacy and I get along really well. Maybe because we are so close in age. We chat alot during her lesson, and I tell her a lot of stuff that goes on in my life, mainly because I know she would listen and not criticize. And she cheers me on when things are down in my life. She's an all round wonderful person. Oh, and get this, she brings me dinner! She says she feels bad for me because I get done so late, so she prepares a plate of food for me. It's really nice of her.
Back to Friday night. She invited me to have dinner with her and her family, and I was really excited to go. Apparently her girls were just as excited that I was coming as I was excited about going, because they helped clean up the house, and reorganize their things, and Julia, the younger girl even drew me a picture. I told her I will keep it in my bag so everytime I see it I will remember she drew it for me. They have a beautiful home. They decorated it very prettily. Something I would do for my own house. And they also have a beautiful view of the city because their house is on a hill. I had a great time at dinner with them. Rich had to leave for his baseball game, and so Stacy and I had a good time chatting. Jessica was in bed by about 8 pm, but Julia fought sleep till almost 10 pm. I bet she slept good that night! As I'm writing this, I realize how much I've learnt about parenting by talking to her. She's really a good mom, a very practical and grounded mom, who imparts really good values and help her girls form good habits. She's not afraid to do the unconventional. One story sticks out. Jessica had problems remembering what sound the letter E makes. Finally one night, Stacy dangles an egg on top of Jessica's head, and asks her, what sound does an E make? And when Jessical couldnt answer, Stacy dropped the egg on Jessica's head. She's remembered it ever since. What a fun way to learn!
Rich got posted back to Texas for his work, and so Stacy is leaving me. They want to be there before Jessica starts school in the fall. It took me by surprise that I got so close to Stacy in such a short amount of time because while driving home that night, I started tearing up. I will miss her, and the chats we've had. I will also miss teaching her because she's a very easy student to teach. (though her rhythm needs work. :D) As a teacher I dont want to admit I have favorites, but Stacy comes pretty close. I'm also so very proud of her, for what she's achieved in such a short time.
She said something that night. She said people come and go in your lives, and that's what makes it so interesting. Yes, people leave footprints in your life as they come and go, but Stacy, some people, some people make permanent impressions. Those are the people you dont ever forget. And you're one of them.
I will miss you very much. Monday nights will never be the same without your lesson. Good luck and God bless as you start your new lives in Texas. Your family's gain is our loss here. Take care, my friend.