This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I am ON BREAK!!! For 2 whole weeks. I think it's glorious that I dont have to teach for 2 weeks. My days are pretty filled up though, so that's a great thing. I dont think I will be bored this vacation. Some of us are thinking of going to Disneyland this coming Monday. I am so looking forward to it. I love Disneyland. Someone asked me why, and I replied because when I walk in those gates, I forget about everything in the outside world. But upon further reflction, I think Disneyland is my first longing of visiting the US, and I guess in some way it symbolizes my dream come true about being here.
Tonight I had dinner with the Ricks family. Since I was on break, I got there a little earlier. Dinner was not ready, and Joshua was still taking his everlasting shower. Apparently he wanted to take a 100 min shower. Yeah whatever. So I sat and talked with Lu a little. Charie (aka Shari) came to be petted, and I asked Lu how Charie was taking to not having Yumi around, and Lu said that she thinks the dog is still depressed. Then she said, I'm still depressed too. And she told me how she felt about her mom and her dog passing away. We talked for a long time because we were uninterrupted. (Joshua was still taking his 100 min shower) I'm glad we got the chance to talk because I think she really needed to talk to someone, and she hasnt found an outlet yet. I thank God He gave me the opportunity to be there for her to talk to. I hope in some way she will start letting go and start healing and feeling better.
Tomorrow I will be going to an open house for David Wu's chiropractic practise. I was introduced to him and his wife Helen by uncle Ming Seong and auntie Cat when they were here for the West Coast Christian Conference. Then in the afternoon Charisse and I will be going to another seminar thing that Synthia invited us to. We're going because they are giving away free stuff. There is also an entertainment program, but I dont know about her, I just want the free stuff. Should be fun.
I'm on break, I'm on break, I'M ON BREAK! YEEHAAAA!!!!


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