This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, August 12, 2005

My friends from work took me out for dinner on Tuesday. It was so much fun. They wouldnt tell me where we were going, and I thought it was more fun not to find out, so I didnt ask. They didnt even let me drive or they would have to give me directions to get there. So Priscilla drove, and Aura and I rode with her. Charisse waited for Blessing to get done with her classes and so they came a little later. We saw Erick and Yesenia and their baby Jasmine, so we invited them along as well, and so there were 7 adults and 1 kid. We went to the CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!!!! I Love the Cheesecake Factory! They have great food and wonderful yummy cheesecakes (hence the name!) We had a great time chatting and laughing and Jasmine was great entertainment too. Jasmine and I have a very interesting relationship. We like each other a lot, but we have no idea what the other is saying. She comes and says hi to me, waves at me, and talks to me about her princess movies, ALL IN SPANISH, and I answer her like I understand every word she says IN ENGLISH. It's a great relationship. We took pictures with her a lot because she is so photogenic. She smiles and poses when she sees the camera pointed at her. Anyway, we stayed there till about 11.30 pm. The irony of it all is, the Cheesecake Factory was closer to my home, and I had to go all the way back to Cerritos to drive all the way back the same way. They girls gave me clothes for my birthday present. An entire outfit, right down to shoes and bag. It's a lot of fun.

God has totally blessed me with wonderful friends here. They are wonderful people, a great support for me. I've always said I would have never made it out here if not for them.
To Aura, Charisse, Blessing, Priscilla, Erick and Yesenia and little Jasmine, thank you for a fun fun evening. I had a blast and wouldnt have wanted it any other way. You guys are the best. I truly thank God for you all.

Check out the photos we took. Aura kindly put it on a website.


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