This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

It was a great week this week. I got to meet up with uncle Ming Seong and auntie Catherine on Thursday at the West Coast Christian Conference. It was really good to see them again, having not seen them for the last 3 years. They look the same as the last time I saw them! Lance Lambert spoke Thursday night, and I really enjoyed his message. I didnt realise how much I needed a more in depth sermon till that night. As we were walking out of the auditorium we saw auntie Vivian (Wu) and when she saw me, she about jumped out of her skin in surprise. She now lives in San Bruno, about 5 mins away from the San Bruno church. She's invited me to visit them in San Francisco and I think I will sometime soon!
I couldnt meet them on Friday because I worked till late, but I met them again tonight. And they had a surprise for me. Christine was there too! Apparently she's now living in Westwood, which is about an hour away from me. She and her husband brought her mom out for lunch today, and she stayed to meet me. It was great to see her again. Auntie Vivian wanted to surprise me, and she did. I was waiting around for uncle Ming Seong and auntie Catherine, and I heard my name being called. I turn, and walking up the stairs was Christine. It was a great surprise. We've exchanged numbers and hopefully we can meet up sometime, when our schedules permit!
Tomorrow I will meet uncle Ming Seong and auntie Cat one more time before they leave. I will not be in time for the sermon, but I will be there when the service ends and will try to spend as much time as I can with them before they have to leave for the airport.
I spent the afternoon with my student Karen again. She loves the song "Love Story", and the book she bought was too tough for her to play at this time. I was book shopping the other day and found a score that was a lot easier. So I brought it to her as a surprise, and she was so thrilled. It's actually still a little tough for her, but I taught her to play at least the right hand melody, and when she could hear herself play the melody her eyes got really huge, and she looked at me in wonder and said, I cant believe I did that! It was really fun to watch her learn her favorite piece.
Then she brought me out for lunch, and I told her, hey guess what? It's my birthday on Monday, and she goes, Awesome! then this is your birthday lunch! Eat away, you deserve it! And we had a great time at the restaurant just chatting and sharing with each other our lives and history.
I used to hate Thursdays because of one particular student. Now I love Thursdays because she's GONE! She took a break, and the office very kindly filled her spot with someone else. This little girl's name is Yena and she's great. She practises, and her mom told me she cant wait for her piano lessons! And I've only had her 2 weeks! She gave me a great big hug on Thursday before she left. Made me feel like I am accomplishing something good here!
I gotta go to bed, it's midnight, and I got to get up in 4 hours.


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