This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

So I was on break this week. In a nutshell, I didnt do much. Which was actually great. But I was kinda bored at the same time. So here's the quick rundown of my week:
TUESDAY: I went down to Cerritos to have lunch with Charisse and Blessing. We went to this Korean place to eat, and it really was very good. And worth the money too. It wasnt expensive at all, and I got a lot of food out of it. Then I had to go back to Chino Hills to work in the afternoon because Chilin was leaving on Thursday for an MTNA conference in Seattle. I worked till about 5 pm.
WEDNESDAY: I had lunch with Jerry. I brought him to this place called Peking Deli, which served Taiwanese and Szechuanhey food. Then we went to Sam Ash to look at music books. They didnt have a lot, so I came out with nothing. Then Jerry asked if I wanted to hang out at his place, so I went over to his place, and we all hung out, went to Costco, had dinner, watched a movie, and I finally left at about 10.30 pm.
THURSDAY: I had to work in the morning and after I got done, I think I went home. I dont really remember. I know I went out for dinner with Margaret that night. We went out to Rubios and I got fish tacos, then we went to Starbucks and had tea and sat and chatted a little before I went home.
FRIDAY: I went out with Jerry and Yuko and Yuko's husband, Eric for tea in the afternoon. We had a nice time chatting.
SATURDAY: Didnt do squat. Finally got out of bed at 1 pm. Then got some lunch, and went out to the pool to get some sun. I managed to make a few phone calls during that time.
Tomorrow I go to Ventura again. And Monday is 4th of July. I will be spending the night there and spending the day at Ventura. Should be fun.


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