This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, June 27, 2005

"Stand By........
Liberty 2-1 is changing call signs. Liberty 2-1 is now AIR FORCE ONE!"

Love that show. At least the last few lines of the show! Just got done watching it. Actually I only watched the last 1/2 hour of it. Just for the last few lines of the show.
Ching Han sent me a video of Anne talking. I thought it was the cutest thing I've seen in a long long time! And being the proud aunt I am, I showed it off to the girls at the office, and even they thought she's really cute.
Sometime last week, Sierra Hall from church called me up in a panic and asked me if I could take a look at a score for the play "Metamorphosis" that the church is putting up June 25th and 26th. She faxed it over to me in Chino Hills, and I looked through it and said, sure, I can do this. So I practised a little with her last Sunday, and since I dont live in Ventura, I couldnt go up for any of their practises. I got up there Saturday afternoon 2 hours before the show, and we practised with the choir. Talk about cutting it close! But it went really well. The play is about the lives of 5 people, all who have different struggles in their lives. One is battling weight and low self esteem (I can identify with that!) Another one was a retired man who was totally bored with life because he's achieved everything he set out to achieve. One is facing infedelity, one is a troubled teen who can turn the right or wrong way, and one is an abused child. There in an angel influence, and a devil influence. and the play was totally "in your face". It didnt skirt around issues, it dived right into them. I thought it was really really well done. That was Saturday and yesterday.
I spent the night in Ventura, and since Dana and her family were gone on vacation, Bob and Kathie Tobias took me in for the night. I had my own room and bathroom and everything. They are lovely people. We had a great chat Saturday night after we got back to their place, then on Sunday they took me out for breakfast after church service. Then we went back to their place to take our afternoon nap. I slept a good 3 hours. I was really really tired apparently! Then we got ready for the play again, and after the play, I said my goodbyes and headed back down to LA.
I am on break this week because it's 4th of July vacation. My break starts tomorrow and ends 4th of July. I go back to work on the 5th. I am so looking forward to this break. This is the first break I had that I dont have to teach at all.
I had a new student today. His name is Ryan, and he is 16 yrs old. Before I met him, I thought he was 7 or something! When I saw him, I was a little surprised, because I dont get teenagers very often. I had a little chat with him, and I asked him, so why do you want to take piano lessons? He said, my mom wanted me to take lessons to see if I like piano. I started laughing. I think he laughed along with me, because it really was a funny answer. I hope he stays, he's a pretty cool kid.
BREAK! BREAK! BREAK! The word of the week!!!


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