This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I got a massage today!!!! I feel so much better now. It got to a point where it hurt even to sleep, and so I thought, what the heck, I'm just going to go for it, and I did, and I am SO glad I did. My neck and shoulder muscles feel a lot more relaxed now, though the massage therapist didn't get every kink out. I might just have to go back again soon, and I'm sure I'm not looking forward to it. (NOT!!!)
Aura and I hung out tonight, and it was really really nice. She's such a nice girl with a wonderful heart. She helped me fix up my blogspot website a little better so people can actually sign a guest book. She and Charisse both work in the Cerritos office, and without them, LA would be very miserable. So thank you girls, for making my life here so much more pleasant, and for letting me look forward to Tuesdays!
So anyway, Au and I went to Fridays for dinner, and then we went to Barnes and Noble for a little while. (I saw the Trading Spaces book 40% off and I WANT IT!) Then we sat at Starbucks for the next 2 hours and just chatted about everything. I blame her for my addiction to Starbucks coffee. But I digress. We both love to travel, and we both want to visit Europe. She was a music major, and we have a lot of things in common there too. It was just a really great time chatting. There was a very intriguing couple next to us. We were both trying to eavesdrop on their conversation, but we didn't have very much luck because we were trying to be discreet and talked while we were trying to eavesdrop.
Charisse (pronounced Sher-isse)wasn't there tonight with us because she had family obligations. But she's usually there on Tuesdays when we go out. It was her place we went to to play DDR. She's wonderful. When I was training in Cerritos last year, she totally helped me with the routine of things, and told me and retold me and reretold me how to do stuff in SNAP. She was patient to the end, and I was not a quick study!! I have a lot of respect for her and her abilities in running the office. Both she and Aura are so quick at SNAP that I just watch in wonder when they are working.
Us 3 and Blessing, Charisse's cousin and a fellow teacher went to California Adventure one Wednesday morning last year and had a blast. I hope we do it again soon girls!
So there you have it, my group of girls. Kinda like the 4 Musketeerettes. All for one and one for all!!


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