This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, June 27, 2005

"Stand By........
Liberty 2-1 is changing call signs. Liberty 2-1 is now AIR FORCE ONE!"

Love that show. At least the last few lines of the show! Just got done watching it. Actually I only watched the last 1/2 hour of it. Just for the last few lines of the show.
Ching Han sent me a video of Anne talking. I thought it was the cutest thing I've seen in a long long time! And being the proud aunt I am, I showed it off to the girls at the office, and even they thought she's really cute.
Sometime last week, Sierra Hall from church called me up in a panic and asked me if I could take a look at a score for the play "Metamorphosis" that the church is putting up June 25th and 26th. She faxed it over to me in Chino Hills, and I looked through it and said, sure, I can do this. So I practised a little with her last Sunday, and since I dont live in Ventura, I couldnt go up for any of their practises. I got up there Saturday afternoon 2 hours before the show, and we practised with the choir. Talk about cutting it close! But it went really well. The play is about the lives of 5 people, all who have different struggles in their lives. One is battling weight and low self esteem (I can identify with that!) Another one was a retired man who was totally bored with life because he's achieved everything he set out to achieve. One is facing infedelity, one is a troubled teen who can turn the right or wrong way, and one is an abused child. There in an angel influence, and a devil influence. and the play was totally "in your face". It didnt skirt around issues, it dived right into them. I thought it was really really well done. That was Saturday and yesterday.
I spent the night in Ventura, and since Dana and her family were gone on vacation, Bob and Kathie Tobias took me in for the night. I had my own room and bathroom and everything. They are lovely people. We had a great chat Saturday night after we got back to their place, then on Sunday they took me out for breakfast after church service. Then we went back to their place to take our afternoon nap. I slept a good 3 hours. I was really really tired apparently! Then we got ready for the play again, and after the play, I said my goodbyes and headed back down to LA.
I am on break this week because it's 4th of July vacation. My break starts tomorrow and ends 4th of July. I go back to work on the 5th. I am so looking forward to this break. This is the first break I had that I dont have to teach at all.
I had a new student today. His name is Ryan, and he is 16 yrs old. Before I met him, I thought he was 7 or something! When I saw him, I was a little surprised, because I dont get teenagers very often. I had a little chat with him, and I asked him, so why do you want to take piano lessons? He said, my mom wanted me to take lessons to see if I like piano. I started laughing. I think he laughed along with me, because it really was a funny answer. I hope he stays, he's a pretty cool kid.
BREAK! BREAK! BREAK! The word of the week!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I felt my first earthquake today! It was kinda freaky...
I was at TJMaxx window shopping this afternoon, and all of a sudden I heard this really loud rumble, like a freight train in the store, and everything around me started shaking. It lasted about 2-3 secs and then everything stopped moving. Apparently there was a moderate (5.2) quake in Yucaipa, and I felt it all the way in La Habra. There's been a few quakes here lately, and I hope it stops soon!




Saturday, June 11, 2005

I lost my ATM card on Monday. I used the ATM to deposite my paychecks, and I guess I forgot to take the card out or something. I dont remember taking it out really. But I didnt discover it till Tuesday evening when I was going to get gas. The first thing I did after I started panicking was pray, God please dont let anyone use my card! I called the bank's 24 hr hotline immediately, and told them what happened. The guy was really nice, and stopped my card immediately. Then he checked to see if anyone had used the card since I lost it, and thank God, thank God, thank God, noone had. I was so relieved I could have kissed his feet. He told me my replacement card would come 5-7 business days later, and at first I was like, wow, that's kinda long. Then I thought about it and said, you know what, right now I'm so relieved noone took my money that I dont really care! And I thanked him and thanked him, and he started laughing at me. It's ok, I dont care. He really made my night.
Aura and I had a dinner Tuesday evening, and our chats covered among other things, British comedies. I recall Keeping Up Apprearances, 'Allo 'Allo, and Mr Bean. My favorite episode of Mr Bean is the one when he woke up 5 mins before his dentist appointment, and the whole show was about he he got dressed WHILE driving to the dentist's! He brushed his teeth using windshield wiper liquid. I started cracking up just talking about it, and Au and I had tears in our eyes just laughing about it.
Today I spent the afternoon at my student Karen Izzi's house. She invited me over for lunch and to try out her new baby grand piano. She's about 50, and as spunky as can be. She just started taking lessons, and though she's really busy, I know she TRIES to practise when she can. I wish I could have a piano too! It's funny how all my students have at least a keyboard, and I dont, and I'm their TEACHER!
So, next to my dream of owning my own house, (which by the way, is almost impossible here in California, because houses here are so darn expensive) is to own a piano. Even if it's a digital piano, at least it's something!
I was telling Yuko this week, I work SO hard to get where I was and my best was during my senior recital. After I graduated, everything just went downhill! I cant even play my recital pieces anymore because I havent had the time to practise! I need to consciously start practising again, because I cant let all my hard work in college go to waste. And if I want to teach better I gotta be able to play better too. My sight reading is atrocious, and it's embarassing! Sigh.....
Tomorrow is an early day again because it's Sunday! Last week I got roped into watching an autistic girl during Sunday school time. I wonder if they will ask me again, or will I get to do something else. We'll see!
I need to clean my room. Mom would be so embarrassed....

Friday, June 03, 2005

Not much went on this week.
Sunday we had a choir retreat at John Graham's orchard. He has a lot of orange and lemon trees, all full of fruit. It was a good time of catching up and eating and playing games. We had a game where there was a character name pinned to our back and we were supposed to ask someone else questions with only a yes/no answer, and from there we have to guess who we are. I was Wile E. Coyote. Jeff was PigPen. I thought that was funny. We had wienie roast (hot dogs), hamburgers, and all sorts of other stuff. And we made Smores. Those were YUMMY! Then we had another game where we had to write 3 truthful facts and one lie and the others had to guess which was the lie. It was fun. At the end of the night I got a bracelet that says "I love Jesus". Remember this, this thing will return later.
I talked to dad that night and he was at Faith and Ching Han's kinda watching Ai watch baby Anne. So he put the phone to Anne's ear and I heard her make some noise. I realized that that was the moment she became real to me. I've seen her pictures, and heard about her, but till I heard her, she wasnt real in my mind. So strange. But anyway, I got to talk to Ai for a while, which was really nice because I hadnt talked to her in so long. And I chatted a little with Ching Han too.
So Monday I stayed in bed till about 11.30 am. That was when Margaret texted me and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her. So we met for lunch, and we had this shaved ice thing, kinda like Ice Kacang from Singapore. It was really good. Then we went shopping because she needed to get some Hawaiian clothes. I found a coupla pairs of shoes that scream summer.
Tuesday I went back to work. Then after work the girls and I went out for dinner at this Vietnamese place. I was so hungry by then, it was 9 pm by the time we ate.
Wednesday evening I had dinner with Yuko. All of a sudden she asked, Who's Hey-sus? I was puzzled for a split second, and then I realized what she meant--she had seen my bracelet. And I said, That's JESUS, you dork! (Jesus in Spanish is pronounced Hey-sus) Why would I wear a bracelet that says I love Hey-sus??! We laughed and laughed and laughed. It was kinda sad that she thought it was Heysus first rather than Jesus.
Thursday I got a birthday invitation for my student Shana. I told her I would go. It's on Saturday. It's supposed to be at a bowling place, then it will continue at their house. I think I might just go to their house rather than the bowling place.
I need to go to bed, my day starts really early tomorrow. Goodnight!