This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Not much went on this week.
Sunday we had a choir retreat at John Graham's orchard. He has a lot of orange and lemon trees, all full of fruit. It was a good time of catching up and eating and playing games. We had a game where there was a character name pinned to our back and we were supposed to ask someone else questions with only a yes/no answer, and from there we have to guess who we are. I was Wile E. Coyote. Jeff was PigPen. I thought that was funny. We had wienie roast (hot dogs), hamburgers, and all sorts of other stuff. And we made Smores. Those were YUMMY! Then we had another game where we had to write 3 truthful facts and one lie and the others had to guess which was the lie. It was fun. At the end of the night I got a bracelet that says "I love Jesus". Remember this, this thing will return later.
I talked to dad that night and he was at Faith and Ching Han's kinda watching Ai watch baby Anne. So he put the phone to Anne's ear and I heard her make some noise. I realized that that was the moment she became real to me. I've seen her pictures, and heard about her, but till I heard her, she wasnt real in my mind. So strange. But anyway, I got to talk to Ai for a while, which was really nice because I hadnt talked to her in so long. And I chatted a little with Ching Han too.
So Monday I stayed in bed till about 11.30 am. That was when Margaret texted me and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her. So we met for lunch, and we had this shaved ice thing, kinda like Ice Kacang from Singapore. It was really good. Then we went shopping because she needed to get some Hawaiian clothes. I found a coupla pairs of shoes that scream summer.
Tuesday I went back to work. Then after work the girls and I went out for dinner at this Vietnamese place. I was so hungry by then, it was 9 pm by the time we ate.
Wednesday evening I had dinner with Yuko. All of a sudden she asked, Who's Hey-sus? I was puzzled for a split second, and then I realized what she meant--she had seen my bracelet. And I said, That's JESUS, you dork! (Jesus in Spanish is pronounced Hey-sus) Why would I wear a bracelet that says I love Hey-sus??! We laughed and laughed and laughed. It was kinda sad that she thought it was Heysus first rather than Jesus.
Thursday I got a birthday invitation for my student Shana. I told her I would go. It's on Saturday. It's supposed to be at a bowling place, then it will continue at their house. I think I might just go to their house rather than the bowling place.
I need to go to bed, my day starts really early tomorrow. Goodnight!


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