This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I lost my ATM card on Monday. I used the ATM to deposite my paychecks, and I guess I forgot to take the card out or something. I dont remember taking it out really. But I didnt discover it till Tuesday evening when I was going to get gas. The first thing I did after I started panicking was pray, God please dont let anyone use my card! I called the bank's 24 hr hotline immediately, and told them what happened. The guy was really nice, and stopped my card immediately. Then he checked to see if anyone had used the card since I lost it, and thank God, thank God, thank God, noone had. I was so relieved I could have kissed his feet. He told me my replacement card would come 5-7 business days later, and at first I was like, wow, that's kinda long. Then I thought about it and said, you know what, right now I'm so relieved noone took my money that I dont really care! And I thanked him and thanked him, and he started laughing at me. It's ok, I dont care. He really made my night.
Aura and I had a dinner Tuesday evening, and our chats covered among other things, British comedies. I recall Keeping Up Apprearances, 'Allo 'Allo, and Mr Bean. My favorite episode of Mr Bean is the one when he woke up 5 mins before his dentist appointment, and the whole show was about he he got dressed WHILE driving to the dentist's! He brushed his teeth using windshield wiper liquid. I started cracking up just talking about it, and Au and I had tears in our eyes just laughing about it.
Today I spent the afternoon at my student Karen Izzi's house. She invited me over for lunch and to try out her new baby grand piano. She's about 50, and as spunky as can be. She just started taking lessons, and though she's really busy, I know she TRIES to practise when she can. I wish I could have a piano too! It's funny how all my students have at least a keyboard, and I dont, and I'm their TEACHER!
So, next to my dream of owning my own house, (which by the way, is almost impossible here in California, because houses here are so darn expensive) is to own a piano. Even if it's a digital piano, at least it's something!
I was telling Yuko this week, I work SO hard to get where I was and my best was during my senior recital. After I graduated, everything just went downhill! I cant even play my recital pieces anymore because I havent had the time to practise! I need to consciously start practising again, because I cant let all my hard work in college go to waste. And if I want to teach better I gotta be able to play better too. My sight reading is atrocious, and it's embarassing! Sigh.....
Tomorrow is an early day again because it's Sunday! Last week I got roped into watching an autistic girl during Sunday school time. I wonder if they will ask me again, or will I get to do something else. We'll see!
I need to clean my room. Mom would be so embarrassed....


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