This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, February 27, 2004

Ask me why I am up at 12:47 am. Go ahead. Just ask. I'll tell you why I'm up at 12:47 am!! BECAUSE I AM STUPID AND STARTED DOING LAUNDRY AT 10 PM!!! I only do laundry when I have to, and tonight is a "haveto" night. And of course I would have at least 3 loads to do! So I'm waiting for my last load to dry, and I'm sitting here thinking, WHY did I do that last load?? Why couldnt have waited till tomorrow?? BECAUSE I'M STUPID, that's why!!!! And I hate the fact that it takes so much longer to dry than wash! I could have been done by now if the dryer dried faster!! So I blame the dryer. And to top it all off, I have ODD SOCKS!!!!! What's up with that??? I dont mind odd socks if they are white ones, but I have ONE gray, ONE red and ONE black and white. Now you tell me, what am I going to do with 3 odd socks?? Make a puppet?? We'll see if the dryer monster spits out the other half of my odd socks. Sigh, the perils of doing laundry. No wonder I hate doing it. Mom is going to freak out if I tell you how often I do laundry, so I wont tell you. I can tell you she will either hide her face in embarrassment, or she will get on my case about the frequency of it, or do both. So mom, just know, I have clean underwear. I promise.


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