This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

I should have done this earlier, but I'm glad I didnt, because THANK YOU AI and RALPH for the flowers!!!! They are really pretty and very unexpected. I came home today and there were flowers at the doorstep. I'm very touched, and they are sitting on my dresser now. Just so you have an idea, they are Gerber daisies and they are orange pink and white.
It's been a nice week. I didnt have to work too much in the mornings, so I took my time and got other stuff done. I got a new phone last week, and today I went back and changed it for another one, a better one, with a window in front to tell me who is calling.
My student Emry brought me out for dinner on Thursday. We couldnt decide where to go, so we went to the restaurant where she works. It's a Chinese buffet place, and the food is actually very good! They usually cook something else for the workers there, and she asked me if I wanted some mai fun, and I said yes! And they were the best mai fun I've had in a long time. It totally reminds me of the kind I used to eat in Singapore. The breakfast kind. It was really good. And then she gave me a little to go bag of it for me to have the next day. I still have some left because I want to savor it! When we walked in, she introduced me to her colleagues, and one girl said, wow, she looks so young! And Emry is like only 2 weeks older than me. When I told her my birthday is Sunday, she said, YAY! Now you are as old as me! I have company now!!
Tomorrow Dana and Jeff and their family are going to take me out for lunch. And Dave called me up one day and said, your birthday is really bothering me! I dont know what to get you! I walked and walked around the mall yesterday and I couldnt find anything for you! I told him he didnt need to get anything, but he insisted. He said he will call Chilin and combine resources with him.
Today I am going to a party with the other teachers at the school. It will be at Synthia's house. I have to get the drinks, so I better get going. I will write more later!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

So dad and I had a very interesting discussion on Sunday about the use of drums and worship. And I realized that my views have changed since being away from Singapore. I think it's ok to disagree, and I'm glad I can now be brave enough to disagree with my parents. I never used to be able to do that, and now I can. It's a great feeling. But I have learnt to appreciate both the traditional hymns and the praise songs, and I am not afraid to say I like both of them. But anyway, the point is that I've learnt it's ok to disagree.
Last week was a week of eating out. On Tuesday I went out dinner with Aura and chatted with her about stuff. I forget what. On Wednesday I went out dinner with Yuko because she invited me to, and she paid for me too! And we had a great time talking, we were the last ones in the restaurant. She was the one who noticed that there was noone else in the restaurant, and we had to leave in a hurry. We must have spent 3-4 hours there. We never get to chat with each other and it was really good to be able to get to know her better. Then on Thursday I went dinner with Motoko. And it was really fun to chat with her too. We went to a Japanese place, and I ordered this really yummy dish called Teppanyaki. Veggies and beef. Yum!
On Saturday when I was grocery shopping, Jerry called me and told me he was in a car accident on Friday, and he rear ended someone, like what I did! And it was on the same freeway too! I told him it was the most traumatic experience I've ever had, and he said yeah! And we chatted for about 2 hours, and I walked around Ralph's over and over just because I was talking to him. Again, he is one person I hardly get to have a good chat with. And it was really a privilege to chat with him, even though the circumstances of the call wasnt so good.
On Sunday Jeff preached for the first time. He was so nervous, but he really touched a lot of people. I spent the most of first service praying for him because it was his first time. He spoke on blind Bartimaeus. And he shared about blind ladies in China who lived in the poorest of conditions, but their testimony is, Dont feel sorry for us because of our condition. We have the love of God, and we know He will take care of us. What a wonderful testimony. It really touched me, and made my problems seem very insignificant.
Then in the afternoon, when we were napping really hard, the doorbell rings and it was Matt Savard and he was taking his kids for a walk. He's got 2 young sons, Caleb and Braden, and a baby girl Rebecca. His sons are SO cute. Caleb, the older one, came up to talk to me and said, I saw you playing the piano. I can play a little bit too... and we chatted about it. He's all of 4 years old. And when he was leaving, he told Jeff and Dana, when you come over, I want you to bring her too! And he pointed at me. That was so funny.
Today Stacy, my adult student gave me a little gift for my birthday. Her card was very pretty. It said, Happy Birthday. May your dreams soar like kites. May your hopes fly high. May you smile often and love like there is no tomorrow. May all your tomorrows be magic. And she gave me a little thing to hang on the wall that simply has a dove and the words, I Believe. My first birthday gift! She is really a neat lady.
Today I also had a short chat with Dave. Dave is not a Christian, but today he made the most sense. I told him, I'm lonely. And he said to me, you shouldnt be lonely. If you are, then there is something not right between with you and God. Because your God should fill every one of your needs, and you shouldnt feel lonely if God is everything to you and He should fill your every need. He has a point.
So that's basically my week. Had dinner with the Ricks family tonight, and Lu asked me if I could help her with Joshua's birthday party at school next Tuesday. His birthday is on Wednesday. I said sure! Dont tell him, but he's getting a new bicycle!
Well, that's about it. See you next time!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Well, it's been an interesting week. On Monday I helped out at Joy Partners and it was the death anniversary of Pastor John Lin. Pastor John Lin is the husband of Florence, the lady I help out with. So I went for lunch with her and 2 of her children, Becky and Jimmy, and after lunch we went to the cemetery to put flowers at his grave. I can tell she still misses him a lot. They were married for more than 40 years, and they had a really good relationship. They both served in FEBC in many countries, including Japan and Singapore, and I think half her heart died when he died. I know she tried to put up a brave front, but when her daughter asked her if she was going to be ok for the rest of the day, she said, well he's gone, I cant do anything about it. That said a lot to me. I felt so bad for her.
Then Tuesday I worked in the office in the morning and then went to teach at Cerritos in the afternoon and we had an incident with a student in the afternoon. We asked her to come at 5 pm because the office wanted to set me up with a
new student. Her mom said ok, but when 5 pm came around, she didnt show up. I called her home and left a message. I thought she was going to come at her usual time of 5.45 pm. But she didnt come then too. At 6.15 she shows up with her mom, and we are like, you were supposed to be here at 5 pm! Her mom got really mad and said, NO you said 6.15! Now, that was a ridiculous statement because I have another student at 6.30. There was noway we would have asked her to come at 6.15. I explained to her that I have another student at 6.30 and she said, well, it's 6.15 now! I said, yeah, I can give your daughter a 15 min lesson, but that's it. I dont htink she understood that. Neither did my student
apparently. I had to let her go at 6. 30, and she was like, it's over already? I said, yes, I have another student waiting, I have to let you go. She goes, but I think my mom wants me to practise piano. I said, where? Here?? And she said, no she means for you to help me. I said, BUT I CANT! I HAVE ANOTHER STUDENT WAITING FOR ME! I was on the verge of yelling at this dense girl. Anyway, the girls at the office said she started to cry after I left because she thought I didnt want to teach her anymore. Which doesnt sound like a bad idea right now. This girl drives me nuts. Her mom does too.
Today I chatted with Chilin, and we talked about perfectly healthy people just having heart attacks and dying just like that. It brought home the thought to live life to the fullest because you dont know when you will go. I really enjoy talking to people older than me, because a lot of times their thoughts and ideas encourage me, and help me become a better person. I had lunch with Dave today because he owed me due to a lost bet. And we chatted about stuff, and he just made me see things differently. He helped me understand another person's point of view. And he is always honest with me, which I really appreciate. So it was a good time talking to him.
And then tonight I had dinner with Emry. Poor girl, I thought I had problems, but she's got them worse. She says, Audrey, be grateful that you are luckier than me.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Ok, Part 3.
Now I remember what I did before I went to Sarah and Ryan's. I spent time with Brandy! She's so fun. I had a good time chatting with her. She now lives in the apartment complex I lived in while I was in school, cept she lives in the downstairs apartments. She's an Asian theme going as decor. She's working a lot this summer because she's saving up for a new viola. Anyway, so that was what I was doing before I left for Springfield to see Sarah and Ryan. Ok, on to Wednesday!
So Wednesday I had lunch with Walt at Mellers, the school cafeteria. Havent had cafeteria food in years. No big surprises there. Still tasted like the last time I had it, about 3 years ago. We had a good time eating and chatting. Walt wore a pair of cowboy jeans that was slit at the bottom and had purple fabric where the slit was. I told him, I'm embarrassed to walk with you.
Then I went to see Judy Dutile. She is the person in charge of International Students, and we had a lot of contact with each other. She even came to my Senior Recital with Dr Dutile, who is the provost of the college. They are getting ready to go to Thailand with Dr Taylor, the president of SBU and Mrs Taylor, and some other people to teach English. I asked her, so are the men teaching English too? Or is it just the ladies. She said just the ladies, so I asked, what are the guys going to do? And she said, run around for us! And I had to laugh. I can just imagine Dr Dutile and Dr Taylor running around for their wives, who are in charge.
Then I spent a coupla hours with Dr Parker and his family. They are in the process of selling their house because they are moving to North Carolina. They had someone come over to see the house while i was there, and I said, you go ahead, I will watch Brianna for you! Might as well, since I was there! And Brianna and I had a great time together. She wanted me to lie on my tummy so she could tackle me. Apparently, she and Alex, her brother, play tackle a lot. She's such a fun child. And she talks a lot too. It's so much fun to listen to her talk. Anyway, Dr Parker and Lori and I had a great time visiting and chatting and talking about their future home in NC. Then I went to visit with Dr Brown and his family. It was so good to see them again. They all look the same, even Jason. I spent a coupla hours with them, talking to them, looking at photos of when Dr Brown and his sons went and hiked the Grand Canyon. We didnt talk about anything very important, but it was really comforting and peaceful to be around them again. They were such a big part of my life in school, and they still are, even though they are far away. Jason and his band, Chaplain, cut a CD, and I got a free copy of it, compliments of his parents. And it's really good! I am very impressed by it.
Then I had dinner with Johnna, whom I met through Sarah. She was Sarah's maid of honor at her wedding, and we became friends and got along great. I had a really nice time chatting with her.
On Thursday I had to return the car, so I had Jana come pick me up at Springfield airport. She hasnt changed a bit. She brought Evan, her brother, along, and boy he's changed a lot! I thought he was a girl for a while, with his long hair. We chatted all the way back to Carthage, after saying Hi to her mom, we left for lunch at Bamboo Gardens, or as I always say, Bamboo Shoots. We took Shawn with us. Shawn is her nephew, and he's really cute. He usually doesnt give people hugs and kisses, but I got some! And he tried to say my name. Granted, he could only say Au! But we knew he was talking about me! He seemed to like me, so that was great. He made a royal mess at lunch though! He had more rice on the floor and on himself than in his tummy. After lunch, we went back to Jana's house, and just hung out there. She took a nap, and I chatted with her parents a little. She kept saying that she was a bad hostess because she fell asleep, but I totally didnt mind. Made me feel like I wasnt gone a whole year at all! Then we went to Fashion Bug to look at clothes, and it ended up her buying clothes and I bought 2 pieces of jewellery which was on sale. Jana's mom cooked dinner and it was a very yummy in the tummy kinda dinner. We had Roast and potatoes and other stuff. Jana and I snacked on this snack called puppy chow I think. They called it something else, but it's basically chocolate puppy chow. (Dad and mom, it's NOT dog food.) Then we went over to Jana's sister's house, and chatted with her sister Annie, and her husband Steve for a while. Shawn was all over the place. He even grabbed my fingers to pull me to his swing because he wanted to swing, and he wanted me to push him! Apparently if he uses the 2-finger pull, that means he likes the person. NEATO!
Jana had to take my back to Bolivar, which was about 1 1/2 hours away, and her mom was very uneasy about her driving alone so late, so she spent the night in Bolivar. When I got home, Rachel was still up, and we had fun chatting, and we both had to pack because I was leaving the next morning, and she was taking me back to Kansas City airport and then going further north back to her home to attend a wedding on Saturday.
We had breakfast at Brenda's the next morning before we left because we didnt know when we were going to eat again. We chatted all the way up and talked about everything and anything. I got to the airport 3 hours early, and sat and read my book while waiting for my flight. I had bought a cup of coffee and drunk it, and I thought to myself, I better go to the bathroom before I board the plane. And I did, but in mid flight, I had to go to the bathroom again. It wouldnt have been so bad if I had an aisle seat, but I had the window seat, and I felt bad asking the 2 people next to me get up so I could go to the bathroom! But man, I felt so much better after that. The 2 girls who sat next to me on the plane also attended a wedding, and they had nice bridesmaids bouquets of white roses.
So I'm back in CA now. All in all, it was a very good trip. I'm glad for the chance to go back to Bolivar and see the people who are so dear to me. The one thing I appreciated about this trip was that I experienced the simplicity of life again, after a year of hustle and bustle of CA life. And it was so peaceful and refreshing and comforting to be around such good folks again. Good doesnt really describe who they are, but I cant find a better word for it. All of them have treated me and loved me like family, and I will never forget that. I feel like I've never been gone, and that's the way I like it! It was an amazing trip back, and I hope to do it again soon.

Ok, so Part 2 of my week in Bolivar.
On Monday morning, I went to see Walt, the bookstore man. I met him at Dana's church my freshman year, when Dana was still in MO. Anyway, he and I have a really good relationship. When I need someone to talk to, or to sound out problems, I go to him. He has very good sense, and he usually helps me think through my dilemas. When I go see him, I always ask if he had anything for me. Kinda like a freebie. I always try to mooch something off him. And he usually has something for me! So when I called him up to tell him I was coming, I said, You better have a whole boxful of stuff for me, for all the times I could have asked, but didnt, because I wasnt around! So when I got there, he actually had a box of stuff for me! It was really good to see him again. Anyway, I put the box down, and he goes, no, open it, take a look inside! I said, NOW? He said, Yup! So I took stuff out, one at a time. I got strange stuff, like a little flashlight, 2004 calendars, Glow in the dark chalk (which I gave to Joshua when I got back. He loved it!), and a T-shirt that said, San Antonio Texas. Underneath the t-shirt was a BRICK. I took out the brick and looked at Walt, and he was laughing his head off. I said, YOU GAVE ME A BRICK???!!!! He said, well it's from the old Administration building. And I said, And you think I would want this???!!! By that time, we were both giggling and choking from laughing so hard. That was classic Walt. We chatted for a while, then I had to leave to meet up with Jessie. But we made plans to have lunch on Wednesday. He was going to treat me to "Smellers Mellers", basically cafeteria food. Whoopdeedoo.
So I went to Jessie's house and we went to Kathy's Pasta for lunch. We wanted to go to China Pearl, but it was closed since it was Monday. She was a little distracted because she had an argument with her beloved, Randy. She kept apologizing, but I said, it's ok, I understand. And I do. I'm glad I was there for her to talk to. But still, it was a good time hanging out with her. Then we got some food for Randy, and I got to meet him for the first time. He seems like a good guy. I'm glad he and Jessie are together. He will make Jessie very happy.
Then I went back to Rachel's place, and she had invited Nicolette and Ben over for dinner. It was a wonderful time! We were to make our own Calzones (basically a pizza puff), but I think I heaped too much stuff on mine, so I made a pizza instead. It was really funny trying to transfer my loaded pizza onto a tray for it to bake. Everything threatened to fall off, but Adam saved the day. I dont remember how, but my pizza stayed MOSTLY intact. I lost some stuff along the way, but oh well! We had a good time at dinner, and then after dinner we played Mad Gab. Basically we are supposed to guess a phrase, but the words on the card arent the exact words. It's different words but if you say it really fast, you get the phrase you want. It was really funny. It was guys vs girls. Of course the girls won. I'm glad Rachel invited Nicolette and Ben over. I accompanied Nicolette for her senior recital, and we got closer then. She calls me Audley Rim (like how Dr Son did it) and I call her Nicorette, just for the heck of it. But the funny thing is, she is the ONLY one who can get away with calling me Audley Rim, and I am the only one whom she allows to call her Nicorette. Special bond right there.
On Tuesday I got up late, and got ready to meet Tammie. She is very special to me. She's been a wonderful friend, and I've missed her so much. We went for lunch at El Rodeo, and I really didnt realize how much I missed their chips and salsa. We talked and talked and caught up on each other's lives. Then we went to see her kids who were with their grandma. I drove and Tammie had a great time teasing me about my driving. She kept insisting I didnt stop at a stop sign, and I said, I did! but I didnt stop for very long because I wanted to turn and there was a car coming. Then she took me to see a special friend of mine, Jonathan Cisco. Jonathan and I became friends because of Brock Glidwell. To cut a long story short, we bonded over Chorale Tour in the Spring semester before I graduated. He's a special kid. Anyway, he works at Mid Missouri Bank now, and he worked at the drive through window. I went into the bank and Tammie told the lady that I wanted to see Jonathan Cisco. So the lady went to Jonathan, who had his back towards me, and said, you have a lady caller. Haha. That was funny. Jon looks back and all he sees is Tammie because I kinda hid behind the teller window. He was puzzled, but he came out anyway, and then I popped my head up and he saw me, and gave me the biggest grin. Oh it was good to see him again. He looks so much happier now. We chatted for about 5 mins, and he had to go back to work. But that was really fun.
Then we went by the music building and I stopped in the office and chatted with Nicolette and Michele a little. Actually we stayed there for almost an hour chatting. I played with Nicolettes' phone because she has those really nifty earpiece phones. While Michele was chatting with Tammie, Nicolette dialed her extention and she picks up the phone and goes, Music Department, this is Michele speaking. I said, Michele, this is Audrey! And we all cracked up. I was all of 2 feet away from her too! Then I sent Tammie back to her car, and left for Walmart, I think. I had some time to kill before I was to leave for Springfield to have dinner with Sarah and Ryan. Anyway.
I had dinner with Sarah and Ryan Tuesday night. I drove up and Ryan opened the door, and oh my gosh, it was so good to see him and Sarah again. Things have been rough on them the past few months, and I have been worried for them, but like I told Sarah later on, I felt better after seeing them and talking to them. Ryan and I have one of those relationships where we show that we love each other by ribbing one another. I was looking at their wedding pictures, and I said to him, Ryan, I'm glad there are more pictures of Sarah than you! And he had to get me back, and I wont say how, but it was really funny and classic Ryan. He had to leave for class, so Sarah and I had the whole evening to talk and catch up on each other. Sarah and I were close friends in school, and I hope we can still keep the contact going. She is very special to me. I had a wonderful time with her. Driving back to Bolivar was a little freaky because 13N was winding, and it was dark. But i got back safe, and that's all that matters.
Ok, Part 3 later!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

I'm BACK!!! This is going to be a very long blog because I have so much to share! I had a wonderful wonderful time in Missouri. I'm so glad I got the chance to go back and visit with my friends, and my professors.
When I got into Kansas City Airport, Rachel was waiting for me, and she had a sign made for me! It said, Welcome Back, Audrey! I brought it back to CA with me. It was so good to see her again. She's chopped her long hair off, and she looks good with short hair! We did a lot of catching up on the drive to Clinton where the wedding was going to be held. It was a long drive because there was construction all over the place! We got there right at 5.30 pm when the rehearsal dinner was supposed to start. I walk in and Matt Huitt goes, Well, here comes the Asian Sensation. (it's a joke that goes way back) It was so good to be back. Then Dr Parker and Lori and Alex and Brianna arrived, and I got to visit with them a little bit. Brianna was the flower girl, and she was really cute and fun. She's really grown too! And she talks and talks and she can actually say my name right! Dr Parker and his family are moving to North Carolina. Good luck and God bless over there!!
The rehearsal went off pretty good. I walked with Matt, and Rachel walked with Matt, Jeremy's brother, and Brianna (Lisa's best friend) walked with Jeff, another of Jeremy's brothers. I got to see Dr Smashey too! She and I have the best times together. We somehow bonded in school, maybe because she wasnt that much older than I was. She is a fantastic pianist and she played the piano for the wedding. The rehearsal was fun and fine. Brianna Parker kept wanting to practise throwing her flower petals on the ground. After rehearsal Rachel and I went to Walmart to get some stuff we needed, and we saw a lot of people from the rehearsal there! It was funny. It was reminiscent of Bolivar college days when I would go to Walmart and see friends there too. Then we spent the night at Lisa's house. As we were getting ready for bed, I told Rachel, You know, it's 11 pm here, but it's only 9 pm over in CA. I'm wide awake!! And so she and I talked and caught up on stuff for about an hour or so. In the meantime, Lisa got sick because the sleeping medicine she took was too strong for her. And we had to help her with it.
The next day we got up and Rachel and I went for our hair appointments. We asked for simple styles, but they sure sprayed a lot of stuff on our hair to hold it in place. Rachel said she felt like she was wearing a helmet! The hairstylist asked me if I wanted sparkles in my hair, and I turned to Rachel and said, Sparkles?? She said, Sure! So I told the girl, OK! And she put sparkles in my hair. I got done first, and waited for Rachel. She got done, and she didnt have any sparkles in her hair! I said, what's up with that? She looks at me and goes, I thought you asked me for yourself! I said no, for US! So in the end, I was the only one with sparkles in my hair. We had a lot of fun with it. People would say, you look nice with sparkles, and Rachel would say, DONT GET HER STARTED ON IT! Because I would blame it on her. It was fun though.
The wedding was pretty. Short and sweet. I saw Jessie and Lacey there too. It was good to see them again. I had a lot of cake and punch at the reception because I was so hungry! After we sent Lisa and Jeremy off for their honeymoon, Rachel and I changed and left for Bolivar. On the way we decided that we needed pictures of our own because everyone knows we dont get wedding pictures until 3 years down the road! SO! When we got back to Bolivar, we went to Walmart, and I got myself a disposable camera, she got some groceries, and mind you, we still had our hair up, and went back to her place, changed BACK into our bridesmaids dresses, and got Adam, Rachel's husband, to take pictures of us. Then we both hit the showers, and washed all the gunk out of our hair. I called Dr Smashey and she came and picked me up and we both got Andy's frozen custard. YUMMY. I havent had that in a year! Then we went back to her place and just chatted and caught up with what's been going on. It was a really nice time. The next day was Sunday, and Rachel and Adam took me to Springfield airport so I could rent a car.
We got there, and I rented a Dodge Neon. It was very different from my Toyota Corolla! The gas was harder to push than my car! And it sat lower too. I was to meet Kathie and her family at her Gagee's house (Gagee is what we call her grandmother) that afternoon for lunch, so I had to drive on 13N. It was a rite of passage for me. All my life there I was a passenger, but that day, I drove it myself. It felt good! But I also knew that cops in MO were more vigilant than those in CA, and you had to follow the speed limits pretty good. So I made myself drive at 65 mph the whole time. Sometimes I went to 70, but that was permitted. But it was really slow driving, and I almost fell asleep driving! I made myself drive behind slow moving cars so I didnt feel the urge to speed, and honestly, I was yawning a lot. So I had to stop at Osceola Cheese factory and got myself something to eat. But I got to Windsor, where Gagee lived, and visited with them. Oh it was so good to see them again. Being with them always gives me peace because they are such wonderful people. They keep me grounded, and bring me back to the simplicity of life. They are simple folk, very down to earth, and sounds cheesy to say, but I feel comfortable and safe and protected from the world when I'm with them. I dont know how to explain it any other way. I dont have to put up any facade when I'm with them. I can be myself, and I know they will love and accept me for who I am, and who I've become. It was EXACTLY what I needed after living out here in CA for a year. Kinda like a reality check of sorts.
Gagee cooked lunch, and it was really good. And we just visited and hung out and talked about anything and nothing. It really didnt feel like I've been gone a year. And that was what I liked. After we got caught up with each other's lives, we just talked about everyday things, and it made me feel right at home, like I was one of them and not the guest at all. WONDERFUL! Then I went back to Bolivar and went to Walmart by myself, which was another rite of passage for me. I never went to Walmart by myself when I was in school because I couldnt get myself there! So that was really neat. Then I went back to Rachel and Adam's and spent time with them.
I'll write more next time. I need to get going.