This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Ok, so Part 2 of my week in Bolivar.
On Monday morning, I went to see Walt, the bookstore man. I met him at Dana's church my freshman year, when Dana was still in MO. Anyway, he and I have a really good relationship. When I need someone to talk to, or to sound out problems, I go to him. He has very good sense, and he usually helps me think through my dilemas. When I go see him, I always ask if he had anything for me. Kinda like a freebie. I always try to mooch something off him. And he usually has something for me! So when I called him up to tell him I was coming, I said, You better have a whole boxful of stuff for me, for all the times I could have asked, but didnt, because I wasnt around! So when I got there, he actually had a box of stuff for me! It was really good to see him again. Anyway, I put the box down, and he goes, no, open it, take a look inside! I said, NOW? He said, Yup! So I took stuff out, one at a time. I got strange stuff, like a little flashlight, 2004 calendars, Glow in the dark chalk (which I gave to Joshua when I got back. He loved it!), and a T-shirt that said, San Antonio Texas. Underneath the t-shirt was a BRICK. I took out the brick and looked at Walt, and he was laughing his head off. I said, YOU GAVE ME A BRICK???!!!! He said, well it's from the old Administration building. And I said, And you think I would want this???!!! By that time, we were both giggling and choking from laughing so hard. That was classic Walt. We chatted for a while, then I had to leave to meet up with Jessie. But we made plans to have lunch on Wednesday. He was going to treat me to "Smellers Mellers", basically cafeteria food. Whoopdeedoo.
So I went to Jessie's house and we went to Kathy's Pasta for lunch. We wanted to go to China Pearl, but it was closed since it was Monday. She was a little distracted because she had an argument with her beloved, Randy. She kept apologizing, but I said, it's ok, I understand. And I do. I'm glad I was there for her to talk to. But still, it was a good time hanging out with her. Then we got some food for Randy, and I got to meet him for the first time. He seems like a good guy. I'm glad he and Jessie are together. He will make Jessie very happy.
Then I went back to Rachel's place, and she had invited Nicolette and Ben over for dinner. It was a wonderful time! We were to make our own Calzones (basically a pizza puff), but I think I heaped too much stuff on mine, so I made a pizza instead. It was really funny trying to transfer my loaded pizza onto a tray for it to bake. Everything threatened to fall off, but Adam saved the day. I dont remember how, but my pizza stayed MOSTLY intact. I lost some stuff along the way, but oh well! We had a good time at dinner, and then after dinner we played Mad Gab. Basically we are supposed to guess a phrase, but the words on the card arent the exact words. It's different words but if you say it really fast, you get the phrase you want. It was really funny. It was guys vs girls. Of course the girls won. I'm glad Rachel invited Nicolette and Ben over. I accompanied Nicolette for her senior recital, and we got closer then. She calls me Audley Rim (like how Dr Son did it) and I call her Nicorette, just for the heck of it. But the funny thing is, she is the ONLY one who can get away with calling me Audley Rim, and I am the only one whom she allows to call her Nicorette. Special bond right there.
On Tuesday I got up late, and got ready to meet Tammie. She is very special to me. She's been a wonderful friend, and I've missed her so much. We went for lunch at El Rodeo, and I really didnt realize how much I missed their chips and salsa. We talked and talked and caught up on each other's lives. Then we went to see her kids who were with their grandma. I drove and Tammie had a great time teasing me about my driving. She kept insisting I didnt stop at a stop sign, and I said, I did! but I didnt stop for very long because I wanted to turn and there was a car coming. Then she took me to see a special friend of mine, Jonathan Cisco. Jonathan and I became friends because of Brock Glidwell. To cut a long story short, we bonded over Chorale Tour in the Spring semester before I graduated. He's a special kid. Anyway, he works at Mid Missouri Bank now, and he worked at the drive through window. I went into the bank and Tammie told the lady that I wanted to see Jonathan Cisco. So the lady went to Jonathan, who had his back towards me, and said, you have a lady caller. Haha. That was funny. Jon looks back and all he sees is Tammie because I kinda hid behind the teller window. He was puzzled, but he came out anyway, and then I popped my head up and he saw me, and gave me the biggest grin. Oh it was good to see him again. He looks so much happier now. We chatted for about 5 mins, and he had to go back to work. But that was really fun.
Then we went by the music building and I stopped in the office and chatted with Nicolette and Michele a little. Actually we stayed there for almost an hour chatting. I played with Nicolettes' phone because she has those really nifty earpiece phones. While Michele was chatting with Tammie, Nicolette dialed her extention and she picks up the phone and goes, Music Department, this is Michele speaking. I said, Michele, this is Audrey! And we all cracked up. I was all of 2 feet away from her too! Then I sent Tammie back to her car, and left for Walmart, I think. I had some time to kill before I was to leave for Springfield to have dinner with Sarah and Ryan. Anyway.
I had dinner with Sarah and Ryan Tuesday night. I drove up and Ryan opened the door, and oh my gosh, it was so good to see him and Sarah again. Things have been rough on them the past few months, and I have been worried for them, but like I told Sarah later on, I felt better after seeing them and talking to them. Ryan and I have one of those relationships where we show that we love each other by ribbing one another. I was looking at their wedding pictures, and I said to him, Ryan, I'm glad there are more pictures of Sarah than you! And he had to get me back, and I wont say how, but it was really funny and classic Ryan. He had to leave for class, so Sarah and I had the whole evening to talk and catch up on each other. Sarah and I were close friends in school, and I hope we can still keep the contact going. She is very special to me. I had a wonderful time with her. Driving back to Bolivar was a little freaky because 13N was winding, and it was dark. But i got back safe, and that's all that matters.
Ok, Part 3 later!


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