This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Well, it's been an interesting week. On Monday I helped out at Joy Partners and it was the death anniversary of Pastor John Lin. Pastor John Lin is the husband of Florence, the lady I help out with. So I went for lunch with her and 2 of her children, Becky and Jimmy, and after lunch we went to the cemetery to put flowers at his grave. I can tell she still misses him a lot. They were married for more than 40 years, and they had a really good relationship. They both served in FEBC in many countries, including Japan and Singapore, and I think half her heart died when he died. I know she tried to put up a brave front, but when her daughter asked her if she was going to be ok for the rest of the day, she said, well he's gone, I cant do anything about it. That said a lot to me. I felt so bad for her.
Then Tuesday I worked in the office in the morning and then went to teach at Cerritos in the afternoon and we had an incident with a student in the afternoon. We asked her to come at 5 pm because the office wanted to set me up with a
new student. Her mom said ok, but when 5 pm came around, she didnt show up. I called her home and left a message. I thought she was going to come at her usual time of 5.45 pm. But she didnt come then too. At 6.15 she shows up with her mom, and we are like, you were supposed to be here at 5 pm! Her mom got really mad and said, NO you said 6.15! Now, that was a ridiculous statement because I have another student at 6.30. There was noway we would have asked her to come at 6.15. I explained to her that I have another student at 6.30 and she said, well, it's 6.15 now! I said, yeah, I can give your daughter a 15 min lesson, but that's it. I dont htink she understood that. Neither did my student
apparently. I had to let her go at 6. 30, and she was like, it's over already? I said, yes, I have another student waiting, I have to let you go. She goes, but I think my mom wants me to practise piano. I said, where? Here?? And she said, no she means for you to help me. I said, BUT I CANT! I HAVE ANOTHER STUDENT WAITING FOR ME! I was on the verge of yelling at this dense girl. Anyway, the girls at the office said she started to cry after I left because she thought I didnt want to teach her anymore. Which doesnt sound like a bad idea right now. This girl drives me nuts. Her mom does too.
Today I chatted with Chilin, and we talked about perfectly healthy people just having heart attacks and dying just like that. It brought home the thought to live life to the fullest because you dont know when you will go. I really enjoy talking to people older than me, because a lot of times their thoughts and ideas encourage me, and help me become a better person. I had lunch with Dave today because he owed me due to a lost bet. And we chatted about stuff, and he just made me see things differently. He helped me understand another person's point of view. And he is always honest with me, which I really appreciate. So it was a good time talking to him.
And then tonight I had dinner with Emry. Poor girl, I thought I had problems, but she's got them worse. She says, Audrey, be grateful that you are luckier than me.


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