This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

I should have done this earlier, but I'm glad I didnt, because THANK YOU AI and RALPH for the flowers!!!! They are really pretty and very unexpected. I came home today and there were flowers at the doorstep. I'm very touched, and they are sitting on my dresser now. Just so you have an idea, they are Gerber daisies and they are orange pink and white.
It's been a nice week. I didnt have to work too much in the mornings, so I took my time and got other stuff done. I got a new phone last week, and today I went back and changed it for another one, a better one, with a window in front to tell me who is calling.
My student Emry brought me out for dinner on Thursday. We couldnt decide where to go, so we went to the restaurant where she works. It's a Chinese buffet place, and the food is actually very good! They usually cook something else for the workers there, and she asked me if I wanted some mai fun, and I said yes! And they were the best mai fun I've had in a long time. It totally reminds me of the kind I used to eat in Singapore. The breakfast kind. It was really good. And then she gave me a little to go bag of it for me to have the next day. I still have some left because I want to savor it! When we walked in, she introduced me to her colleagues, and one girl said, wow, she looks so young! And Emry is like only 2 weeks older than me. When I told her my birthday is Sunday, she said, YAY! Now you are as old as me! I have company now!!
Tomorrow Dana and Jeff and their family are going to take me out for lunch. And Dave called me up one day and said, your birthday is really bothering me! I dont know what to get you! I walked and walked around the mall yesterday and I couldnt find anything for you! I told him he didnt need to get anything, but he insisted. He said he will call Chilin and combine resources with him.
Today I am going to a party with the other teachers at the school. It will be at Synthia's house. I have to get the drinks, so I better get going. I will write more later!


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