This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

So dad and I had a very interesting discussion on Sunday about the use of drums and worship. And I realized that my views have changed since being away from Singapore. I think it's ok to disagree, and I'm glad I can now be brave enough to disagree with my parents. I never used to be able to do that, and now I can. It's a great feeling. But I have learnt to appreciate both the traditional hymns and the praise songs, and I am not afraid to say I like both of them. But anyway, the point is that I've learnt it's ok to disagree.
Last week was a week of eating out. On Tuesday I went out dinner with Aura and chatted with her about stuff. I forget what. On Wednesday I went out dinner with Yuko because she invited me to, and she paid for me too! And we had a great time talking, we were the last ones in the restaurant. She was the one who noticed that there was noone else in the restaurant, and we had to leave in a hurry. We must have spent 3-4 hours there. We never get to chat with each other and it was really good to be able to get to know her better. Then on Thursday I went dinner with Motoko. And it was really fun to chat with her too. We went to a Japanese place, and I ordered this really yummy dish called Teppanyaki. Veggies and beef. Yum!
On Saturday when I was grocery shopping, Jerry called me and told me he was in a car accident on Friday, and he rear ended someone, like what I did! And it was on the same freeway too! I told him it was the most traumatic experience I've ever had, and he said yeah! And we chatted for about 2 hours, and I walked around Ralph's over and over just because I was talking to him. Again, he is one person I hardly get to have a good chat with. And it was really a privilege to chat with him, even though the circumstances of the call wasnt so good.
On Sunday Jeff preached for the first time. He was so nervous, but he really touched a lot of people. I spent the most of first service praying for him because it was his first time. He spoke on blind Bartimaeus. And he shared about blind ladies in China who lived in the poorest of conditions, but their testimony is, Dont feel sorry for us because of our condition. We have the love of God, and we know He will take care of us. What a wonderful testimony. It really touched me, and made my problems seem very insignificant.
Then in the afternoon, when we were napping really hard, the doorbell rings and it was Matt Savard and he was taking his kids for a walk. He's got 2 young sons, Caleb and Braden, and a baby girl Rebecca. His sons are SO cute. Caleb, the older one, came up to talk to me and said, I saw you playing the piano. I can play a little bit too... and we chatted about it. He's all of 4 years old. And when he was leaving, he told Jeff and Dana, when you come over, I want you to bring her too! And he pointed at me. That was so funny.
Today Stacy, my adult student gave me a little gift for my birthday. Her card was very pretty. It said, Happy Birthday. May your dreams soar like kites. May your hopes fly high. May you smile often and love like there is no tomorrow. May all your tomorrows be magic. And she gave me a little thing to hang on the wall that simply has a dove and the words, I Believe. My first birthday gift! She is really a neat lady.
Today I also had a short chat with Dave. Dave is not a Christian, but today he made the most sense. I told him, I'm lonely. And he said to me, you shouldnt be lonely. If you are, then there is something not right between with you and God. Because your God should fill every one of your needs, and you shouldnt feel lonely if God is everything to you and He should fill your every need. He has a point.
So that's basically my week. Had dinner with the Ricks family tonight, and Lu asked me if I could help her with Joshua's birthday party at school next Tuesday. His birthday is on Wednesday. I said sure! Dont tell him, but he's getting a new bicycle!
Well, that's about it. See you next time!


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