This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Sometimes I forget how easily it is to make a child happy. I bought a little gift for one of my students today on a whim. I saw it at Walmart and thought, Oh Damian would totally appreciate this. And when he walked into his lesson later, I gave it to him, and he was so thrilled. He couldnt stop smiling, and I think this was the best thing that's happened to him since a long time ago. He kept wanting to touch it and see it and play with it. And you know what? I let him. It's seldom I see him this happy, and I was glad he was happy. Didnt get to do too much piano playing today, but that was totally fine with me!
Got a haircut too, and that made ME feel wonderful. I've decided, hairdressers can be miracle workers or dreambusters. Totally depends on how you feel about your haircut after the last snip.
I think I've figured out what was making my car sound so loud. A dirty fuel injector. Someone suggested I get a fuel injector cleaner and pour it into my gas tank, and I did it, and the sound's GONE!!! I am so excited!
So Dr Jeff Waters emails me and says he couldnt sign my guestbook because SBU's put a filter on all objectional sites (aka porn and gambling sites) and apparently, the website for my guestbook seem to be objectionable. I'm so glad he took the time to look at the website though, and want to sign my guestbook. Dr Jeff totally made my eartraining and sightsinging classes fun. I had SS and ET 3 and 4 with him, and had a blast. It was also at 11 am, when I was definitely more awake than those who signed up for the 820am class. He's definitely got a great, if not quirky sense of humor, and his saxophone playing is out of this world. One of the funniest memories was at the honors banquet. We both had to leave early for Sally Scott's Senior recital. He's the chairman of the music department and I was her accompanist. When at last they started to call each name to receive their cords, they started with cum laude, and we knew it was going to take forever to get to my name. So he said, as soon as they call your name, I'm going to run out and start the car so after you get your cord, run and meet me outside. So I got my cord, threw it at Sarah (Glidwell) and ran out of the banquet room, and Dr Waters was waiting for me, and we dashed to Sally's recital. Thanks to Dr Waters' fast driving, I got there on time! Woohoo!
Ok, I am going to bed. Later.


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