This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

So I did something kinda dumb last night. I was at Lu's house feeding the dogs because I wasnt sure when Lisa was getting back. The water level in their drinking bucket seemed low, so filled it up and brought it outside, and realized I locked myself out. I looked through the glass doors to the inside and thought, OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! And then I remembered Joel got in one time throught the doggie door, and I looked at it, and it looked awfully small. I honestly thought there was no way I could squeeze myself through it. I thought I was going to be stuck midway, like how they show on cartoons. I also had to stop and think how I was going to manouvuer myself through. I finally figured it out and as I was pushing myself through, Shari, the dog who was inside the house came over and started to sniff and me and lick me, and I was like, Shari, get out of the way, I'm trying to get in! But I did get inside, and I'm very thankful for the 20 pounds I lost before this!
Today I went to get my bridesmaid's dress altered. The lady tucked in quite a bit, and the thought that came to me afterwards was that, I cant gain anymore weight, because then I cant breathe in this dress! So I have to be very careful these next few weeks. I guess I'm ready to leave LA to visit MO. I am a little worried about flying. I have since 9/11. I'm praying for safety all the way!
Today, Motoko, Yuko and I had some free time at the La Habra school because some of our students didnt show up, and we happened to have a break at the same time. It was really fun to just stand around and chat about nothing in particular. At one point, they were talking in Japanese, and I just watched them and listened, and then I said, I love listening to you guys speak in Japanese. They both looked at me, and in unison, said, Ohhhh sorry! Then they started to speak in English again.
I got 2 new students today, sisters. Nice kids, intelligent too. So I'm hoping I dont have too much trouble with teaching them. They are the cousins of another student of mine who's lesson just happens to be just before theirs. So I have a whole family to teach!
I got this morning off, and I was fully intending to get an oil change for my car and bring it to the car wash. But I forgot about it and stayed in bed till about 11. It felt so good.
Ok, I need to take my shower now. So goodnight, one and all!


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