This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Well, it's been a week since I last wrote. I had a lot to write about, but you know what? I've forgotten most of it. I saw dad for the first time in a year through a video thing that was hooked to the phone at Lu and Joel's house. It was great to see him again. He still looks the same!
I went to Shana's birthday party on Saturday, and I had Indian food. YUMMMMMMYYY!!!! I havent had Indian food in forever, and it was SO good. I wish I had more space in my stomach to eat everything. I didnt a single person she invited. They were all Indians, and family I guess. I was the only non-indian and non-family. They had hired a magician for the party, and we got talking. He showed me some really cool closeup tricks. It was amazing. It was exactly like how they show on magic shows, where people sit around a table while the magician performs his magic. I was watching really closely, but I still couldnt catch what he did! But then again, he's been doing this for the past 20+ years, he should be really good. Anyway, I was really thrilled to be given the chance to watch closeup magic. After the magic show we had the cake, and it was a really good cake. I had two pieces. Then we had dinner, which was wonderful. I wanted to leave earlier than I did, but when I told Shana I was leaving, she said, Youre leaving?? So I stayed and watched 101 Dalmations with them, and left after that. So I got into Ventura really late, and I was all intending to go straight to bed, BUT Baober had other ideas.
He was the only one/dog up at that time. Everyone else was in bed. So he comes bounding in and begs at me, picks up his toy and shoves it at me. I had to play with him for a bit before I told him, Boab, I gotta go to bed, I am so tired. Poor dog, he has either dry skin problems or flea problems, because he keeps scratching, and he's got 3 tags on his collar, so I hear the jangling all the time. ANYWAY, he decides to keep me company that night, and so throughout the night, in my sleep, I heard him jangling beside me. I think I might have even been awake enough to tell him to go outside and scratch! But he sure is a cute dog. Jeff shaved him, so now he looks even smaller. I liked him better with more hair, but nothing changes his character. One time I threw his frisbee and it landed on the dining room chair. He stood up on his hind legs, used his front paws to push the frisbee towards him before grabbing it with his mouth and bringing it back to me. It was the funniest thing to watch. So I just HAD to do it again to see it.
Next Sunday will be the last Sunday I will see Becky at church in Ventura. She's going home for 2 weeks, then she's touring with the Continentals for the summer, and then she will be starting school in Azusa Pacific University in Sept. She will only be 1/2 hour away now, but you know, Ventura was so fun because she was there. I am so going to miss her company there. Things are changing for her, and I am really excited for her, but I think she's also apprehensive about what's about to happen. I wish her all the very best.
I had to get my bridesmaid dress altered, and it looks good. I cant wait to see my friends again in Missouri, I'm ready to leave. I'm so thankful to Rachel and Nicolette who are willing to put me up for free there. That totally helps in finances!
I got a haircut today. I thought I could hack leaving it long for the wedding, but I couldnt. I caved in today. I had a 2 hour break, so I went and got a hair cut. I like it. It's not too short that the hairdresser cant do anything with it at the wedding, but it's short enough for me to feel comfortable. I told my hairdresser that I thought hairdresser's can either make or break my day, and she laughed. She agreed though!
Aura and I finally had dinner together again yesterday. We went to TGIFridays. And we had a good time talking. She had some things on her mind which I didnt know about, and we talked about it a little. Basically she told me what had been going on, and to say the least, it's a mess. But God is in control, and Au, I hope things will work out. Then we went to Barnes and Noble, and she caved in and bought a classic for $5, which was a steal. But the book is so small, I'm convinced it's an abridged version, but she doesnt think so.
I had a nice time chatting with Yuko and Motoko again today. Poor Yuko, she looked so tired today. I hope she gets some rest!
So it is now 12:17 am, and I need to go take a shower. I'm sure I had more to say, but my brains are a little fried right now, so I'm going to get clean and then go to bed. Goodnight!!


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