This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

It has been a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!! It will be hard to top the fun I had today!
First of all, THANK YOU, Ching Han, for sending me those photos of the family!!! It was such an awesome surprise to get them in the mail today. When I saw the envelope, I thought to myself, I didnt order anything from! Then I opened it, and almost cried when I saw the photos! You guys all look great!!! And you managed to get everyone in at least one photo. Even Uncle Lian and Auntie Carol. So thank you very very much for them. It's amazing thatI havent seen you guys in almost 2 years. I hope all of you can come over in Dec, it will be great to see you all again!
Anyway, this afternoon we went to Medieval Times. It's a place where you have dinner and watch a show of medieval games and jousting and fighting. Oh it was great!!! I didnt know what to expect, I just thought we were going to have dinner and sit back and watch the show. Well, we were all part of it too! I met Aura and Charisse at Cerritos and we went there together. We met Yuko there. Then we had to wait for Chilin, who brought his 2 daughters, Felicia and Mendie, and Blessing, who was the latest! We went in together because we wanted to sit together. When we got to the waiting area, they made me take a picture with the princess, because it was my birthday. Anyway, we all got yellow crowns because that's the section we were supposed to sit in. We sat the 2nd row from the front, so we got pretty good seats. We sat in a row because that's how they used to sit in those days! Anyway, the show started, and we were told to cheer for our knight who wore our colors. So we cheered for the yellow knight. Except for Yuko who thought the Black and White knight was cute, so she cheered for him. She was totally flirting with him, and she a married woman too! Who knew!!! Of course he didnt see her. Aura thought the green knight was cute, and Charisse was going for the red knight. Anyway, there was a ton of screaming and cheering as they competed in the games. There were real live horses too, it was really cool. They showed off some tricks, I guess you could call it. It was neat. Anyway, it was a great show, and we screamed and cheered from start to finish. I was worried Felicia and Mendie would get scared because there was fighting, but they loved it! The food was fantastic. We had to eat everything with our hands. We had garlic bread, soup, which we had to drink from the bowl. And then we had the chicken. I had Aura take a picture of the chicken because it honestly took up the whole plate. It was SO HUGE! I think we all had the same expression when we got served the chicken. It was an "OH MY GOSH, THIS CHICKEN IS HUGE!!!!" kinda face. But my favorite was the ribs, which we didnt get enough of, in my opinion! We had so much fun there. We took lots and lots of pictures because Aura bought herself a camera today!
Then Chilin said, I'm treating you all to ice cream! So we went to Claim Jumper and had dessert there. Charisse really wanted the Motherlode, which was a 6, count them, SIX, layer chocolate cake. There were 8 of us and there were leftovers. We also had a coupla huge slices of cheesecake. But the best part was just sitting there and talking and chatting and having fun and having a great time. I'm so glad Yuko, Chilin, and his daughters were able to join us. It usually is just Aura, Charisse, Blessing and I, but today was special. At first I thought it might be a little strange that my boss is coming too, but I'm glad he did. Besides, he paid for dessert!! Felicia and Mendie leave for Singapore tomorrow with their mom, so we wont be seeing them for about 3 weeks. Have fun, guys! Eat Lots!!!
Anyway, I have to get up at 4.30 am which is about 3 1/2 hours from now, so I need to go to bed. This has been an amazing birthday celebration. God's totally blessed me with a wonderful family and great friends. So, THANK YOU GOD!!!
Goodnight! Or rather, GOOD MORNING!


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