This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I've had a really nice birthday week! On Sunday morning, Jeff, Dana, Lauren and Jena woke me up by singing happy birthday to me. At 6:15 AM!! It totally shocked me, but it was such a nice way to wake up! And then at church, they told everyone I knew that it was my birthday, and people were coming up to me to wish me a happy birthday. I really had a good time though I was sick. I think I got the stomach flu, but the Potts family wanted to take me out, and I was determined to enjoy myself. So I downed quite a few ibuprofen to keep going, and it was fine. We went to the Wood Ranch for lunch, and I had tritip, and it was really really good. I couldnt eat too much, so I took a good chunk home. I slept most of the afternoon. We had a little practise for the concert they are going to put up at the end of August. But after that, I was out like a light again.
On Monday, I got a few surprises. Dave and Chilin pooled their resources and bought me a watch. It was a Precious Moments watch. It was really sweet of them to get me a gift. Then, I got a call from Stephanie. She's been in Mexico all this time, and she only got back into the US on Monday and she called me to wish me a Happy Birthday! It was SOO good to talk to her again. I cant wait to talk to her this weekend. Then Stacy brought her whole family for piano lesson because she wanted her husband to listen to her play. She and I did her favorite duet, Beauty and the Beast. I think her husband was really impressed. Anyway, then I got home, and I got a package from Jana!!! She sent me this huge package and in it was a book, a photo frame, and muddy buddies!!! Muddy Buddies are those yummy puppy chow things her mom made while I was there visiting them. I'm going to savor them and eat them slowly! They are SO good.
Then Tuesday morning I had to get up and go to Costco to get Joshua's birthday cake and 6 pizzas. I was supposed to get to the school at 11.15 am, but noone else cooperated with me! The traffic didnt cooperate, the cashier at costco didnt too, so I only got there at 11.30. Oh well, the kids didnt seem to mind, they seemed occupied with other stuff, like kids regularly do. And it was a good party, it was good cake too! I love cake. I ate 2 pieces because I love cake! Chocolate with cream cheese filling. Yummo! I met a few of Lu and Chilin's friends there too. They were in town for a visit, and Chilin brought them to the school for the party. They are very nice people. Joshua had a pinata, and it was very funny to watch the kids hit at it for the candy. It was a Spiderman one, but he really didnt look very much like one. Looked like a scary red scarecrow to me. Then I went to Cerritos to teach, and that's where all the fun began.
I got there early, and put my stuff down in my room and went to check my messages in my mailbox. Aura was there and I was getting ready to go into the office to talk to her. I got quite a few messages about kids dropping out of lessons for the summer and new students coming in, and there was a purple piece of paper and a yellow piece of paper. I thought those were just announcements from the office because they usually use colored paper to send out messages and announcements from the administration. Well, the purple one was a card that the office staff all signed, and the yellow one read, " AUDREY, You have just gotten yourself into a SCAVENGER HUNT! Throughout the day, you will be searching for pieces of paper that will lead you to different clues. Each paper you find will lead you to a clue. There is an ULTIMATE SURPRISE at the end. HAVE FUN! The first clue can be found under the table in the teacher's room." Reading that, I started to laugh, and from the office, I heard Aura laughing. I walked into the office and she goes, GOTCHA! You thought we forgot about your birthday!! I cannot believe they planned this for me. It was incredible. Later, Au told me that they had planned this 2-3 weeks ago, and they didnt say a thing to me about it! And Au also told me that Ai, (my youngest sister) had written her an email asking her to please do something special for my birthday. And Aura had written her back telling her that they had already planned something, but didnt say what. Anyway, I didnt want to start looking for clues until Charisse came in because she was a big part in this too. I had to teach, so I could only start looking for clues at 4 pm, when I had a break. I found my next clue which said, "Congratulations! You are one step closer to your ULTIMATE SURPRISE! Alright, the next clue can be found inside one of the drawers of the filing cabinet by the restroom."
OK, Blogger is really messed up tonight, so I will continue tomorrow. ARGH!


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