This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Ok, to continue my previous blog.....
So I went to the cabinet and after opening a coupla drawers, and flipping over a coupla boxes containing trash bags, I found the next clue in the 3rd drawer I opened. And it read, "NOPE you are not finished! But you are getting closer! The next clue can be found behind one of the plaques on the wall beside the alarm." For those who dont know, there are about 25 plaques on that wall by the alarm! Trust Aura and Charisse to choose that location to hide the next clue!!! I think I flipped over about 5 plaques before I found the piece of paper. By that time, there are parents and students looking at me, thinking I was nuts. I could hear Aura and Charisse laughing in the office because I think I moaned a little when I saw the number of plaques I thought I had to turn over. The next clue read, "Good job but there is still a long way to go! The next clue can be found on the bulletin/cork board. But you have to figure out which board it's on." There are 4 boards FILLED, and I mean FILLED with notices and announcements tacked on them. I had to turn over quite a few notices before I found it. I should have known that they would stick it onto something that was laminated so it would not destroy the paper! But of couse I didnt think of it till after the fact! So clue #5 reads, "Alright! Still not there! This TIME your clue will be in a form of a riddle: It keeps TIME but it doesnt have a face, it has numbers but it goes past 12, and it only has one hand instead of two. Once you figure out the riddle, you will find the next clue." And I thought it was the clock that they timed in and out with! So I went and looked at it, but it was digital! So it wasnt it. Tricky, girls, tricky! Well, being a musician, you'd think I'd know that they meant a METRONOME! Anyway, that was my 2nd guess, so I feel better about that! I looked and looked but couldnt find a metronome anywhere. Finally, talking to Aura, I looked up and there it was, right above her on Synthia's shelf. Those sneaky girls turned the box around so the picture was hidden! But I found the clue stuck at the bottom of the box, and it read, "You are almost there! THIS IS YOUR LAST CLUE! This last clue will lead you to your ULTIMATE SURPRISE! Yet another riddle: I have leaves but I'm not a tree, I have dog ears but I'm not a dog, I belong to Mel Bay but for a price I can belong to you, my companion is a guitar, and my talents are to help you play beautiful music." That clue totally stumped me! I had to ask Chris Keefe, another teacher, what he thought it was. That man had no clue too. I literally walked around the office area, and I looked very closely at funky looking fake tree with pink flowers, and finally ended up at the book cabinet. And I found the clue!!! I couldnt believe it! I happened to look at a guitar book and stuck to it was the last clue!!! I heard Charisse say, How did she find it??!! Haha, thought you tricked me, huh?? So my last clue was, "Congratulations! Youre ULTIMATE SURPRISE can be found in the storage room. Now ask Aura and Charisse for the key." There are 2 storage rooms, and OF COURSE I had to go to the wrong one first! But I found my prize at the end, and they had 4 balloons stuck to the wall with a big colored paper that said,"ULTIMATE SURPRISE! SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You thought we forgot, didnt you? Well, you are not finished yet. Please select one of the boxes and this will determine your FUTURE!" And I had 6 boxes of choices of what I could do. I could go Salsa Dancing, (Blessing thought I was going to pick that. Have you ever seen Audrey dance? No? Maybe there is a reason why!) I could go bowling, or the movies, miniature golfing, Medieval Times, or Universal Studios. I narrowed it down to Miniature golfing and Medieval Times before I picked the latter. It's a restaurant where you sit and eat with your hands, and you can watch the medieval knights fighting and jousting and stuff like that. We are going on Saturday, and I am SO EXCITED!!! I just thought it was going to be a dinner with my girls! It was such a fun day on Tuesday, running around the school looking for clues.
So a HUGE thank you to Aura and Charisse for coming up with this really fun scavenger hunt for my birthday. I had a blast doing it. And a HUGE hug and thank you to my sister, AiAi for thinking of me and writing to Aura to ask her to do something special for my birthday. It's been a wonderful birthday week. I am very blessed to have wonderful family and friends around me. And that is my best gift of all!


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