This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I am on break this week. Thank God, because I was almost on breaking point. I was starting to get sick of my students, and my students were starting to get sick of me. Not to mention, some students were actually sick! So I'm glad I a break before they got me sick as well.
Last Saturday I went to my student, Mia's birthday party. She's one of my students from Cerritos, and she's a really fun kid. She and her mom, Michelle, take piano from me. I told them I would go, even though I didnt know a single soul at the party. I got there fine, and Mia was surprised to see me. I got her a Hilary Duff CD which she really wanted. I stayed for about 1/2 hour, and then left because I felt a little awkward there, and I didnt want to hold up Michelle, because I know she wanted to entertain me, but she had a lot of stuff to do too. Then I spent the next hour getting lost and finding my way back home. That was NOT COOL. I did the EXACT opposite of what I was supposed to do. If I was supposed to turn right, I turned left. Such a good sense of direction I have!
Monday I went to Disneyland with a friend. We got there late, and left early because I had to feed Lu's dogs, because she was out of town to Vegas with her family and her brother's family. I thought there wouldnt be a lot of people around, but there was! There were more little kids than usual, and I kept bumping into them because they were not at eye level! But we stayed long enough to watch the Christmas parade, which was nice. I really enjoyed the day. We didnt do much, walked around a bit, watched the Aladdin show, and sat the really cool Soarin' Over California ride. But I just like Disneyland. The atmosphere is really nice.
I thought I was going to have problems feeding the dogs because Yumi does not like her medicine. When Lu feeds her, she spits it out. I prayed really hard that she would eat it. I didnt dare throw it in her mouth, so I hid it in her food, and she ate it! I was so happy. Shari, the other dog, didnt want to eat the first morning I had to feed them. I told her, Girl, do you know how late I'm going to be tonight? You better eat! But she didnt, so I threw her food away, and then told her, boy you'll be hungry tonight. And she was. Haha.
Then on Tuesday, a few teachers and I hung out together. We went to Victoria Gardens, the new shopping mall area where everything is outdoors. After that we went back to Jerry's house and all of us cooked a dish. Except me, because they know I havent cooked in so long. So I helped chop stuff and tried to get out of the way mostly! It was a fun night. We sat around and chatted till about 10 pm, and we met at 2 pm!
Today I went to get a massage. I pulled a muscle on my back doing something apparently, because now it hurts to turn my head. Ordinarily, it would be ok to deal with, but with driving, it became more crucial to get it fixed because I cant turn my head when I want to change lanes. I feel better, but I still feel a pull when I turn my head. Oh well, hopefully I will get better soon.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I will be going up to Ventura to spend Thanksgiving with the Potts family. I'm excited, they are wonderful people, and I cant think of spending Thanksgiving any other way.
Then on Friday I think I will have to go in to work for Chilin a little, then Jerry, Yuko and I are going to meet for lunch. Should be fun. I'm not sure what else is happening, but it doesnt matter. Maybe I need the time to clear up my room! It looks like a tornado went rhrough it.
Monday Kuku is coming, YAY! I'm going to have to pick her up from the airport. I hope I get there and back ok!
So that's the rundown of my past week or so. It's been pretty good, but I'm glad I'm on break.


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