This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Aura and I had a great time yesterday at dinner and at Starbucks talking and sharing about our views. Of course we got distracted and talked about other stuff as well, but on the whole, I was really excited about our sharing. The one thing I got out of the first chapter is that we are made by God and FOR God. It made me think about my purpose in life. God created me for His purpose. And it brings up the point of obedience to His will and His purpose. I personally think obedience is my biggest challenge. I am disobedient a lot of times. Ask my parents! If I cant even do what my parents ask, what more our Father in heaven? I realize I resist and I force my own way through, rather than listen to God. I guess I want to be in control of my own life. Which contradicts what Christian living is all about. I find myself being able to give up SOME parts of my life, but there are other areas which I just want to handle myself. Thus the daily struggle.
Today wasnt so bad. I had a nice morning, working at the office and chatting with Dave at the same time. And my students this afternoon werent too bad! AMAZING! I got one student, Minami and easier set of books than she has now, and I see her smiling during lessons, and saying, wow this is easy, can I do more? And I'm so glad I made the decision to drop her back a level.
I have one student who is driving me crazy. I cant really describe why she is driving me crazy except she is very annoying. She annoys the girls at the counter in the school as well.
Chiilin is out of the country, and there are a ton of things to do while he is away. But Sping break is coming up too, and the girls and I want to go to the beach, and to Universal Studios. I am so excited about that. It's part of Charisse's birthday celebrations. I havent been to Universal studios ever since my family went there for vacation years ago!
It's late, I gotta get to bed. Goodnight!


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