This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Motoko and I finally went out yesterday night. We both got done at about 8.30 pm and decided that we could both do with some food. My student Emry (God bless her!) made me some really really really good Indonesian noodles. And I just had to take a bite of it because I was starving. And it was SO good I told Motoko to try it. And her eyes got big, and she said, This is SO good! And so we scrounged around for forks and literally gobbled all of it. But we were still hungry after that, so we went to look for food, but most places were already closed. Only Niko Niko was opened, and we had the rest of our meal there. It was really nice to hang out with her, I think she's cool. We stood at the parking lot chatting after that, and we literally watched as the fog came rolling in around us. It was eeiry.
The weather here has been very nice. It's been in the 80s these past few days, and it's nice to wear short sleeves and skirts again. I should try to get more skirts. I just havent found ones that I liked yet I guess! Or I'm too lazy to go look for them. Jeans are so much more fun, but I think, now that I have an image to upkeep, I better start dressing more professionally!
Charisse, Aura and I are going to beach tomorrow morning! It will be fun, and my arms and legs need to see the light! They are So pale that if you didnt look at my face, you wouldnt have known they belonged to an Asian. I'm looking forward to it because I think it will be nice to be out in the sunshine. It's just wrong to be cooped up inside when the sun is shining like that!
I've given up rice, and most carbohydrates, and I've lost a little weight. About 5-6 pounds so far, and I think I will keep going with that diet. A parent commented on it today, and it made me feel so good. I want to keep going and lose more weight, because I feel so much more confident without the excess. I think when I meet God I will ask Him why I had to go through this weight thing and not my sisters. I hate that this will be a constant struggle. Sigh.
I am going to bed now because I have to get up extra early tomorrow because we are going to the BEACH! Toodles!


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