This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, March 15, 2004

It was David Pott's birthday on Saturday. (Dave is Jeff's dad), and so we went to a restaurant for dinner, and we waited 1 hr 15 mins for our table. It was the longest wait for dinner I've ever had. The only good thing was that they had a great huge barrel of peanuts which we could dip into and get as much nuts as we want. I think I filled up on that before the dinner, because I couldnt finish my dinner! The place was called Bandits and it was a western kinda place. I got yummy ribs!
Becky and I had a good time on Sunday. We just hung out and talked and I really had a great time opening up to her. And I watched my show! Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I love that show. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
And then, the worst thing happened when I went home. The exit off the highway that I take to go home was closed. And I had to get off the next exit, and I got totally lost. It was so so foggy I couldnt hardly see 10 feet ahead of me, and I was hopelessly lost. I drove around for about 20 mins before I found a gas station and stopped and asked for directions. It was really scary for a while, and I was so tired I was about to fall asleep at the wheel. As a matter of fact, I was chewing gum and drinking water and singing at the top of my lungs to keep myself awake. And to get lost like that when I was SO close to home really ticked me off. I'm just glad I got home safely.
I am so so tired, I'm going to bed. Oh, good news. I lost 10 pounds! I weighed myself today and I was so pumped! I think I'm going to try to keep it up. I have to fit into the bridesmaid dress Lisa picked out!


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