This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

God definitely has a sense of humor. Or He is really trying to teach me something! I now have to work with a girl whom I did not have a good first impression of. In fact, it's been really hard to even have to have any contact with her. But now I will have to share the office with her. It was very hard to accept it, and very hard to give up my "territory". But I know it was wrong of me to have ill thoughts of her to begin with, and I guess I am looking forward to getting to know her better in the days to come. I do have to say Thank you to God for waiting this long before having us work together. If it had been any earlier, I would have resisted it a lot more. As it is, it is easier to accept this change at this point of my working life.
I have been hearing a lot about the book "A Purpose Driven Life", and today I finally got it. Aura and I were talking about tonight at dinner, and she said, hey, how would you like to read the book and we can be accountability partners, and discuss our thoughts on the chapters? You have no idea how happy I was to hear that. I have been praying for an accountability partner for a while. It's hard to find someone here to share my thoughts with, and I'm glad God put it in Aura's heart to ask me.
The weekend was very nice. There was a recording session for the kids at Joy Partners, and it was a very educational and interesting experience. Some kids sang great, but the younger ones were a little out of tune. I learnt how to fix it so we dont really hear the out of tuneness. But the kids were great, they were so much fun to watch. Most of them cant speak Chinese, and there was a Chinese verse of a song they had to sing, so all of them had to learn to sing the words in Chinese. Of course if you asked them to speak it in Chinese, they wouldnt get the tones right, but they can sing it really well! The younger kids especially were very enthusiastic. Chilin said I had to learn this because I might take over this one day. I'm excited about that.
Saw something really funny today. I was driving to work, and I saw kids getting out of school. Some were cycling, some were walking. There were 2 guys who sat down on a slope right by the road I was driving on. I saw them as I was stopped at a red light. But just before my light turned green, I saw that they sprinklers had suddenly come on where the 2 guys sat, and they both jumped up at the same time because they were getting wet. It was really really funny.
My dad signed my guestbook today, and signed it as Eddy GC Lim. I wonder why he didnt just say "dad"?


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