This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Guys. That was the topic at the dinner table tonight. Charisse, Aura, Blessing and I went to Friday's for dinner, and we talked about guys and marriage and dating. All the girl stuff. It was very good to hear and hash out the opinions we had. We all decided that though we live a very fulfilled life in Christ, there is still an innate desire for a man in our lives.
We are all singles in our little group, and during dinner tonight, we made a promise, if and when we have significant others, we will still spend time with each other like we do now, and we will not talk about our significant others while it's our time to hang out. I think it's a great idea. Too many girls forget their friends when they start dating, and I've had that happen to me a few times already when my friends at school started dating. It was really hard for me to be excited about their new relationships when it took away what little time we had to hang out together.
I want to get married someday. I hope that someday is soon. I cannot deny that though I like my life right now, I still have a desire for a relationship. There was always a desire, but when I was in school, I didnt have time to deal with it. But now that I'm out of school and have more time to myself, the desire has come back and come back a lot stronger too. Sigh.
I would write a lot more, but it's really late. I may come back to this topic again another time. Watch out for it!


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