This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Someone said something really nice to me today. Dave Malone works for my boss Chilin, and I see him sometimes. He is African American (he calls himself a Black guy) and a very interesting person to talk to. When he comes in the door, he goes, WASSUP, WASSUP??!!! with a great big smile. He always says he's in love with this particular girl, but she doesnt like him that way at all. So that's been the topic of our conversations for forever. I just tell him that's the way the cookie crumbles! He teases me all the time about trying to get me hooked up with Tom Cruise. I just laugh, and say, I'm still waiting for Tom to call me. Today, he comes in the office and we were chatting, and he was teasing me, and then he says, You know, you are a wonderful and beautiful young lady. Dont sell yourself short. You should reach for the stars, and expect the best guy in your life. Never expect anything less. And I thought that was the nicest thing he could have said to me. If you knew Dave, he doesnt say things like that unless he means it. And he even told Chilin that I was doing a fantastic job, even when I messed up. I thanked him yesterday for covering my butt when I made mistakes, and he said, you know, youre' doing a fine job, dont worry about it. And he tried to make me feel better about myself. Dave says it like it is, and I appreciate that about him.
I'm glad tomorrow is Friday because I have the morning off!!! I can sleep in, and enjoy the time off! Maybe I'll go watch the Passion, because I still havent seen it! I must be the only one who hasnt! Or maybe I will just stay at home and relax. Or I could go out in the sun and enjoy the sunshine! Who knows, the possibilities are endless!


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