This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

I thought today would NEVER END! I started work at 9 am and didnt get done till 8 pm, and I barely had a lunch break. My lunch break was eating in my car while driving to La Habra to teach. McDonalds to the rescue!
The nicest thing happened this afternoon, and totally made my day. My student Amanda wrote me a note that said something like, I really like you and I'm very glad you are my teacher, and thank you for your patience, and the best thing, is she said, I'm going to try my hardest to practise! I'm like awwwww youre so sweet!! And it totally made my day!
My boss will be out of town for 3 weeks, so I will be on my own at the office. I'm asking for a lot of prayer because I want to prove that I can manage, and I dont want to mess up! So there is stress involved in this, and I also want to prove to myself that I can do this. Sometimes the musician in me is stronger than the administrator side of me. Help!!!
I thought I got the day off tomorrow, but I have to go in to work because I need to get some things learnt and done before Chilin leaves. So there goes my day off! Oh well, more money I guess, and that's a good thing!
So it is goodnight for now because I am beat, and I need to get some zzz's in!


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