This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Tammie signed my guestbook, and after reading it, it brought back a lot of memories of my friendship with her. She was about the last person I saw as I left Bolivar for LA. She stayed up with me the night before helping me pack, and came back early the next morning to make sure I was ok and to send me off. She has 3 young kids, and she brought all of them along just so she could say goodbye to me. She and I have had some very interesting adventures! We traveled to Texas and Oklahoma together. 11 hours on the road. And we went to Silver Dollar City with her kids because she had an extra ticket to go, and I saw the Christmas lights there for the first time. And of course we went shopping. It's a standing joke that I always tell her she dresses older than she really is. She calls me her fashion consultant. I like that title!! She's really cool, and she's a great accompanist and a wonderful friend to have. I miss you, Tammie!!!
I went to Oceanside on Sat to visit with Dawne. She was my Resident Director when I lived in Leslie Hall. She and I became friends because we were so much closer in age. Anyway, she lives in Kansas City now, and I hadnt seen her in a year or so before Saturday. We spent the day catching up, and hanging out on the pier. And then we had dinner at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican place called Colimas. I ordered a supreme Quesadilla and it was the hugest quesadilla I've ever seen. it came in 3 parts and I couldnt even finish one part. I gave it away to Dawne, who tried fish tacos for the first time. So to all my friends in Bolivar, I cant wait to see you in LA!! (hint hint!!)
Today it did nothing but be cold and rain. Compared to the winters I've had the past few years, I guess this is mild. I have a student today, her name is Kari, and she is the nicest kid. She's always smiling, she always does her homework, and she's very well mannered and polite as well. I wish all my kids were like her!! My adult student Stacy brought along her daughter Jessica tonight for her lesson. Jessica sat on the floor and entertained herself by coloring and drawing. She is the cutest thing, and so petite.
That's about it. It wasnt a stressful Monday, which is really good, because I dont really like Mondays.


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