This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Something really funny happaned yesterday. I have a student Eumi on Wednesdays at 7 pm. She's all of 6 years old, but oh so much personality. I usually give her candy at the end of her lesson because she does well, and I never think anything about it. Yesterday, Eumi comes into class dragging a HUGE bag of candy. The candy must weigh as much as she does! I said, what's that???!!! And she and her mom both said, you always give candy away, so we thought we'd buy some for you. I thought that was SO nice of them. I told Eumi, there must be a thousand pieces of candy in there, and she goes, no, there's only 500, because it says so on the bag! So now I Have a massive bag of candy which I doubt will ever end!
My student Hirushi is really funny. She's only 5 and she doesnt know her alphabets too well yet. I asked her what a note was, and she said, F! And I said, so what is F for? And she thought for a while and said, Elephant! I wanted to laugh so badly. Then I said, what's this note, and she said, G! And I said, good, what is G for? And she thought for a while, and she said, Gelephant! And I REALLY wanted to laugh then. So I gave her a clue, and said, what animal has a really long neck?? She thought for a while, and she said, I know! ZEBRA!!! I think it was about there that I cracked up.
Chilin really likes my new car. He kept saying, wow, this looks like one of the big cars. I have wood accents in my car. At first I didnt like it, but now I really do. And he really likes how it drives too. It is definitely a lot smoother than my old car.
On Sunday I am going to be recognized as a member of the First Baptist Church in Ventura. I joined the membership class because I had to because I served in the church. I dont mind, I liked it. I thought I didnt have to stand up in front of the church, but I guess I do! I'm glad I will be recognized at the 8 am service because that's the one I attend. I think the people there know me best because they see me the most.
That's the big news for the week. I have to send Lu and Joel and Joshua to the airport and drive their Toyota 4runner. I DONT WANT TO DO THAT!!!!! After my wreck, I am so paranoid. AND I dont want to get lost around the airport. LAX must be the most complicated airport around. I'm praying I can get out of it.
Well, it's almost 1 am, and tomorrow is my morning off, so I am going to ENJOY it. Later!


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