This is a place where my family and friends can share in my day's activities and personal thoughts.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I like my car!!! I REALLY like my car!!! Chilin drove it a little today because he had to help me park. The story goes like this. I parked in a spot where both he and Florence said was not safe for my new car because the car next to me would bump my car when they open the door. There was a parking spot right behind where I was parked, and Chilin said back into it. Well, I CANT BACK into a spot, so Chilin did it. And he got out of the car and said, wow, this is a nice car! Feels like driving a big car. It feels bigger, it looks bigger, and I really do feel lot safer in it because as Chilin puts it, (in Chinese) my backside is not touching the freeway.
I think backing in is a guy thing. I dont know any girl driver who does it, but I do know at least 3 guys who do.
It's been so hot lately that we have had to turn on our air. We really didnt want to because it will jack up electricity prices, but it was unbearable. And it's not even summer yet! But today was a nice nice day. It was a lot cooler and now it's even nice to go to bed without the fan on too! I got a tan just by driving. Which is nice because my arms and legs really need to see some sun. I live in California for goodness sake, I need to get a tan before I go back to Missouri for Lisa's wedding. I cant wait to go back and see all my friends back there.
So this week has been pretty good. My students actually behaved. But I also think it's because I'm not so stressed about my car anymore. Yay yay yippee!
Sunday is Mother's Day, so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOM!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!


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